How to strengthen your subconscious mind

        Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “How to strengthen your subconscious mind”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is willing to strengthen their subconscious mind to support what they really need to survive, there are many factors why people can’t strengthen their subconscious mind, here is the first factor why people can’t strengthen the power of subconscious mind because people only focus on short term planI just remind you that a lack of interest can bring a lack of consistency, so if we don't have any ambition to pursue something magnificent, we will live casually and our life will not change at all, eventually we will lose our high value, remember this; subconscious mind is like the parachute, it will rescue us when there's crisis which it is going to make our life hits into desperate zone, but if we are indecision to jump out from crisis, our subconscious mind will not salvage us, here is the bad news; when we don't strengthen our subconscious mind in long period of time, our creativity becomes our eternal problem and we will become the life's victim because we don't know how to use our own potential for facing the life's challenge, as human being who are well known as an emotional creatures in the world, we must know how to strengthen the subconscious mind. 

         Strengthen subconscious mind is not simple because we need to build productive habit which can be hated by most people who live in this world, building the productive habit could be: learning new skill, learning new language, upgrading knowledge, teaching other people how to set goal or how to earn money, giving the good donation to powerless people, here is the first strategy how to strengthen your subconscious mind; don't consume the information which contains about negative things, e.g. pornography, the vulgar picture, the conflict, the war, people's private life, hoax, the sensational news, the money game, If you cultivate your subconscious mind with those things, they will destroy your inner potential, let me remind you that you can't strengthen your subconscious mind by doing something easy, instant and worthless, so you must challenge yourself by doing something which can make you surprised once you have done it, here is the second strategy how to strengthen your subconscious mind; you must set goals where it can give good impact to others consistently, this mission is not easy because you need to leave your private matters to serve something bigger than your behalf, here is the third strategy how to strengthen your subconscious mind; don't stop learning new thing every day, when you challenge yourself to learn new thing every day, your subconscious mind will receive new power from the information you gained, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.