How to overcome fear of failure and rejection

         Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “How to overcome fear of failure and rejection” the reason why I choose that topic because not many people dare to challenge themselves to feel failure, as we know that life is uncertainty, there is no bad moment when we feel failure, the power of failure is very magnificent because it is needed to countermeasure the uncertainty thing, as we know the human’s focus is very limited, we can’t force our focus to catch something beyond our capacity, so we need to limit our focus wide range, we need to say "am I ready to get new failure and rejection today?, if we aren't ready to get failure and rejection, our fear will enlarge its size, self-ignorance is part of arrogance, we can't let it happens again, we must keep tasting failure and rejection after we try something we don't know, remember: when we taste failure and rejection, we indirectly build spiritual intelligence, if our spiritual intelligence is increasing, we feel fear nothing even though we haven't calculated the risk, here is the key how to work excellent with uncertainty in life: having insatiable curiosity to obtain some knowledge, hone your survival skill, increase your tolerance and have painful experience with variable failurethe purpose why we need to suffer today because tomorrow will bring higher pressure if we don't feel suffer now, if we want the power, we must suffer and surround ourselves with failure and rejection because both can offer power to human being, in addition, if we consider failure and rejection as mood booster, we can overcome whatever problem which can offer fear of failure. 

          You and I aren’t entitled to know about tomorrow, whether we like it or not, we need to prepare something though we are uncertain to finish, our main job is working on what we can visualize, not to work on something easy, our job is to ensure we use our time 24 hours for working on what we specifically can do, here is the fact, what makes us bankrupt is not failure and rejection, but we lack of failure's experience and we lack of rejection's experience, remember this; if you enjoy like what most people enjoy, you will not enjoy your game of life, but if you avoid to enjoy what most people enjoy, you will find opportunity to create your own game for most people's need, here is the note; just because you enjoy something free today, it doesn't mean you will get free tomorrow, life is full of uncertainty, you must prepare yourself as if you were charged to pay something what you can't afford, every success can’t be exchanged by money, but extraordinary success can be exchanged with having higher failure rate than enjoyment, don't be afraid to get failure, you only need to multiple your failure rate if you want to be pursued with new future, life will never be the same if we fill in our lives with something challenging, happier and discomfort, here is the best strategy how to overcome fear of failure and rejection is embrace failure and learn not to hate it, besides that, you need to reward every failure you get with little appreciation, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.