How to improve self esteem in adolescence

Sharing your vision to other people is kind of strategy to build self-confidence

         Hi good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “How to improve self-esteem in adolescence”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many adolescents lose confidence after they get something unpleasant, in this article, I would share about several tips how to improve self-esteem, hopefully your life starts changing drastically after you read this article, here is the first tip how to improve self-esteem; you must improve your philosophy, it means, you need to detach yourself from your old belief which can influence your mindset, the reason why you need to apply this strategy because your philosophy is the first gate how to define the way you’re thinking, whether we like it or not, poor mindset came from our poor philosophy, in order to build confidence, you must challenge yourself to renew your philosophy in order to get enlightenment or good guidance, maybe you can find a good role models where they can give you a good philosophy how to change your mindset, remember this advice; good philosophy can educate you how to find what your strength does for you, whereas, bad philosophy only shows your weaknesses and how to attract negative emotion, here is the good news; when you succeed to change your philosophy, your confidence level will get better and your enthusiasm will be ready to promote yourself how to get good career

Learn how to sell your competence if you want to get better chance.

       Here is the second tip how to improve self-esteem; reading some booksthis strategy is very common, in my opinion; reading book can give you a new resource how to make yourself is ready to find a matched opportunity, the information we collect will influence the type of decision we create, if our knowledge is vast, it can help us to make decision, remember this; your confidence level equals with your knowledge, the more you earn knowledge, the more you can feed your emotional needs with good attitude, if you have good attitude, your perception will change, if you can increase your power of perception, you can master the problem which can lower your confidence, here is the third tip how to improve self-esteem; helping other people who are more successful than you, although you feel totally inadequate, there is no excuse to offer your help to others, the reason why you need to apply this strategy because helping other people can promote your expertise, if successful people acknowledge our expertise, you can get the instant promotion from it, here is the fourth tip how to improve self-esteem; you sell your competence to the marketplace, it means, you keep improving your skill progressively until the marketplace needs your assistance, her is the good news; the more you can sell your competence, the more you get self-promotion, here is the fifth tip how to improve self-esteem; you stop trying to be someone else's character, it means, you stop being a follower and start being a leader, starting from now; listen your heart and only pursue what gives you high energy, that's formula how to improve self-esteem, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this information can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.