How to deal with making mistakes at work

       Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “How to deal with making mistakes at work”,  the reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can get resilient after they get a mistake, some of them prefer to give up after get a mistake, some of them prefer to make an invalid excuse after get a mistake, some of them prefer to stay open-minded after get a mistake, in this article I will share some strategies how to deal with making mistake at work; here is the first strategy how to deal with making mistake at work; you must consider every mistake at work is self-adaptation, not self-punishment, this strategy is not intended to crush your confidence at work, but at least you widen your perception to become self-adapter at work, here is the second strategy how to deal with making mistake at work; every time you create new mistake at work, you indirectly reduce the quota of making big mistake in your future career at work, at this point, I don't demand you to make the same mistake again and again at work, but here is the wisdom you need to ponder : the more you make new mistake, the more you know about your ignorance, the more you learn, the less fear you have, here is the third strategy how to deal with making mistake at work; you write down your mistake at your notebook, the reason why you need to write down your mistake at your notebook in order to stop doing the same mistake in the future.

      Here is the fourth strategy how to deal with making mistake at work; you consider mistake as self-reminder and self-innovation, means, you remind yourself for not making the same mistake again, sometimes our bosses don't like to see their employees to make the same mistake, before our bosses remind us about our mistake, it would be better if we remind ourselves about our mistake, here is the fifth strategy how to deal with making mistake at work; you convince ourselves that every mistake is designed to grow our potential, means, we consider our mistake is the sensible reason to unlock our potential, if we don't know about our potential, our life journey gets stuck in the same track again and again, unfortunately not every human considers mistake as golden opportunity, some people consider every mistake is stupidity and shameful act, here is the sixth strategy how to deal with making mistake at work; you convince ourselves that every mistake is opportunity to be a better employee at work, if you build type of personality like that, you will be strong person to face work pressure at work because you always dig your own darkness make self-improvement, here is the seventh strategy how to deal with making mistake at work; you consider that every mistake is blessing in disguiseI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.