What is an occupational assessment

     Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “What is an occupational assessment”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people refuse to reject how to do self-assessment when they work, some people consider self-assessment is kind to behave arrogant, it's totally wrong, in fact the main problem why people reject to do self-assessment at work is because they behave self-righteousness, besides that, people resist to accept new critic, the reason why they resist to accept new critic because they consider critic can destroy their self identity, here is the dark side if people don’t do self-assessment; they are risking their own lives by doing something risky without knowledge and they will get the dangerous thing which may happen at any time, if people don’t do accurate self-assessment, at least they do self-evaluation to what they have finished at their work, maybe you have question "what is an occupational assessment?", here is the answer; the act of dissecting self-ignorance at work, evaluate what someone finishes, increase someone's performance and develop what someone fears most at work, remember; fear is not important to be accessed, but it can access your deep faith, so you must know what you fear and don't just let fear to come, you must come to fear, if you aren't interested to work at some particular job, I will not force you, but if you fear before you start, so you need to do self-assessment for performance evaluation, here is my opinion; don’t fear to do self-assessment because it can help us to anticipate towards the negative impact which may come from misunderstanding, here is the additional note; the accurate self-assessment is determined by self-awareness how to control something we can do at work and not to try controlling something beyond our capacity, remember; self changing time is determined by self-awareness, unwavering faith, the passion of learning and insatiable curiosity.

     Starting from now, don't try to overcome your fear if you can't feel okay when you do something at work, having fear at work is not always being caused by your fault, sometimes it indicates that your intuition and your creativity is not needed by them, if you want to do self-assessment at your work, you have to ensure you love with the type of problem which happens at your work, if you don't love with the problem, you can't do self-assessment, that's important note, I have seen many people can't get something good from their workplace because they hate with the problem and they can't handle the high pressure, there are three things you need to do if you want to do self-assessment, 1. you must know what you are good at and what your weaknesses when you face problem, 2. you must accept the result from what you accomplish, 3. don't try to change reality's offering, remember this; we can't make any difference at work if we can't make self-assessment, here is the first strategy how to make our work is getting better; evaluate what we have finished every day, if we don't do that, we will get stuck at our self-identity, here is the second strategy how to make our work is getting better; don't believe with the unsuccessful work, you must integrate your mental by considering the unsuccessful work is part of self-learning process, try again until there is nobody dares to criticize what you do, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.