Ways on how to grow in faith

Run your life by hinges on faith

       Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Ways on how to grow in faith”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone believes in what they dream, besides that, not everyone is willing to recognize the power of faith, I know that's is not simple to grow in faith, but we must do something beyond what we are capable if we want to grow our faith, our faith is like the fruit seed, it can't be seen at the first time, but it will continue working if we commit to serve what our faith needs with our resources,  our resource is time, experience, unpleasantness, courage, commitment, consistent action, unrelenting belief and surrender the outcome to divine's timing, faith will not grow if we stop doing the process or stop our action, as long as we can create the innovation, as long as we can attempt, as long as our enthusiasm still exists, so our faith will grow, if you ask me "what if I do something without faith, is it possible?", I don't think it is possible, if you do something without faith, you will not do it for longer period of time even though other people motivate you to do every day, our faith must born from self-awareness and self-competence, not other people's motivation, the reason why having faith is important because it can give you a power to change something that may give you a doubt, but if you feel there is big power within you until you feel something strange, that's effect of faith growth.

        Faith will not grow when you have no enthusiasm and no interest at all, that's it, if you ask me "where interest and enthusiasm is coming from?" it comes from deep faith, at this moment, I would like to share some ways how to grow in faith, here is the first way how to grow in faith; you must continue what you start even though you can't see the uncertain result, meaning, whatever you get from reality, it based on what you develop from yourself, if you want to grow in faith, you must continue what you start even though you can't see the outcome, 
here is the second way how to grow in faith; you don't complain about what life does for you, meaning, you don't doubt about what you receive from reality either you get reward or punishment, if you keep your mentality until you don't complain about something, it indicates that your faith gets stronger, if you still doubt about what you start, meaning, your faith is fragile, so you need to gain some knowledge or practice to accelerate your faith, if your faith is strong enough, you can manifest your visualization into reality very easy, all depends on you, here is the third way how to grow in faith; you keep enjoying the learning process even though it is very tough,  I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.