Signs of high emotional intelligence


     Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Signs of high emotional intelligence”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people can recognize about their strength, the main reason why not everyone can recognize their emotional intelligence because most people spend their time to play more and learn less, remember this; our duty as human is cultivate a high emotional intelligence by study, so we can explore what life really wants through our preparation, at this moment I would share 10 signs you have high emotional intelligence, hopefully it can help you to learn more efficient than you usually do, here the first sign you have high emotional intelligence; you get enough sleep, means, you don’t worry about your busy daily routine and you can sleep at any time without having any interruption, here is the second sign you have high emotional intelligence; you can restrain yourself from caffeine or alcohol intake, means, you know a lot about the risk if you consume alcohol or caffeine, here is my advice; people who can't find their happiness, they tend exchanging it with alcohol intake or caffeine, here is the third sign you have high emotional intelligence; you stop negative self-talk, means, you are self-motivated person and you understand how to do and how not to do something, although you have many problems, your inner circumstance will not get affected by outer circumstance, here is the fourth sign you have high emotional intelligence; you don’t need anyone to find your joy, means, you use your initiative to create unprecedented opportunity, then you use your enthusiasm to create the masterpiece, now if you succeed to find your joy, all you need to do in the rest of your life is serving other people's live with your biggest potential.

    Here is the fifth sign you have high emotional intelligence; you appreciate about what you have, means, you don’t demand something higher than your capacity because you realize about your limitation and you really know how to control what you accept and how to let go off something uncontrollable, here is the sixth sign you have high emotional intelligence; you don’t seek perfection, means you really understand about the universe’s law principle, "the more you learn, the more you see something bigger than yourself", only mediocre person who looks for perfection whereas extraordinary person looks for progression, here is the seventh sign you have high emotional intelligence; you can neutralize yourself from toxic people’s opinion, means, you can adapt with unknown situation, you will not give your energy to something unimportant to you because you know about the risk if you accept it, here is the eighth sign you have high emotional intelligence;  you give and expect nothing in return, means, you are earnest about your life plan and you care a lot about powerless people, if you have this kind of habit, you will not get disappointed with your expectation because you always behave positive and you don’t want to expect to get the return after you give something to other people, here is the ninth sign you have high emotional intelligence; you live in the today’s moment, means, you always focus about your dream and you let the past in the past, here is the tenth sign you have high emotional intelligence; you don’t hold grudges, means, you are part of peacemaker and you have the power to forgive the misunderstanding to people who don't understand you, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.