Negativity can be like an addiction


   Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Negativity can be like an addiction”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people get trapped in negativity, as we know something that addicted is always negativity, for example; smoking, alcohol, lottery game, online game, free sex, pornography, gossip, entertainment news, money game, cassino, and watching television more than 1 hour per day, unfortunately, not many people realize about the addiction effect, 50%-80% rational thinking power reduces its power after people get addicted with the activity that can offer them with instant advantage, maybe you ask me "what about workaholic ?" it is not negativity, it determines the people's work style, the reason why people behave workaholic because they have a big target which can give big impact to others if it is not finished yet, instead the workaholic style is representing the big enthusiasm and big curiosity, let me give you the formula about the type of activity which has potential to offer negativity; 1. the concept is designed to offer impulsive satisfaction where it can trigger human's emotion to follow positive expectation which is not happening yet into reality, meaning, people's emotion will be dragged away to positive expectation by offering something that people always needs, namely instant advantage and false hope , 2. the activity is designed to prevent people to think logically and prevent people to think realistic, 3. the activity will offer people with temporary comfort, not offer the permanent solution, 4. the activity will shape human's attitude to be over-optimistic, 5. the activity will change people's vision into maniac.

  Please beware about the activity which can offer the negativity impact because it always brings something that our lust hates, even though negativity is 90% bad, there is 10% good for us, namely, we will get a new fear from negativity, nevertheless, the fear can prevent us to do something more risky or dangerous in the future, here is the first strategy how to avoid negativity is don't let your sense of excitement is too high, you must balance your sense of excitement with the pain of disciplineyou must endure new suffering in order to let go your sense of negativity, sometimes you need to accept the imperfect thing in your life in order to avoid addiction, whether you like or not, "perfect thing will lead us to negativity and imperfect thing will lead us to enlightenment" , remember; the world is not designed to lead human to be perfect, do you know why? the world is always fragile, imperfect, broken, temporary, and leak, so we must not follow our positive expectation,  we must prepare self-awareness to welcome the negative expectation which may happen into reality, if we are ready to welcome the negative expectation, we will not get disappointed and not regret, here is the second strategy how to avoid negativity is learn from people's habit which had been victim from people's lust, meaning, we choose not to follow them, only learn from them, the pleasure is not but, it is deceiver, as human being, we need not pleasure, but enlightenment, we only get enlightenment when we keep fool and be a good learner, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.