How to train your brain to be positive

create value for other people can make your brain to become more positive

       Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “How to train your brain to be positive”, the reason why I choose that topic because recently there are many negative responses have been raised in the public place, especially when there is outbreak of COV-19 which it was appeared in Wuhan city, China on December 2019, after that, most medias, the press conference, internet and television program all over the world have been menaced by the virus's existence as if the disease were changing human’s habit, the main point I talk in this article, if we don’t train our brain to become to be positive, our subconscious mind will attract more negativity which may disrupt our brain normal function, here is my research; negative impact will not manifest into reality when we balance it with positive impact, meaning, not all darkness will give us fear, only our decision can determine how fear we manifest, we must approach the fear, not to let fear comes firstat this moment I would like to share several tips which may help you to concentrate what you can control and stay alert about what you can’t control, here is the first tip how to train your brain to be positive; assume all negative threats are normal and reasonable in this world, means, this world is not kind of suitable and perfect place for human being, we don’t need to be panic if the bad condition suddenly has happened in our lives, all we can do as human being is find the alternative path, the main reason why I say such thing because life is mortal, this life system will never offer secure and comfortable for human being in a long period of time, we must prepare to what we leave on earth, if we practice our brain to think like that, all fears and panic will disappear.

Positive attitude and negative attitude can be determined by your philosophy

    Furthermore, this life only asks us to prepare physically or mentality at any time because there is must be something unpleasant from this life, so we shouldn’t be panic and we shouldn't live casually because life already reminds us about the life disaster or the life crisis which may damage everything, remember this; life crisis begins when there is no human will care about the nature environmental protection, social conscience and the moral responsibility, so there are many reason how to make the brain system to become more positive, it depends on our purpose, if you just enjoy this life with pleasure only, means, you are going to feed your mind with ignoranceplease be careful about what you feed for your brain because the brain system records everything around you, especially the global information, news or science, if you have reason to feel more positive, so you have reason to let go something unworthy of your life, here is the second tip how to train your brain to be positive; compare yourself with other people who really wish to live like your lifestyle, means, you need to observe other people who are living powerless, poverty, homeless and hungry, if you train your mind to bring the social conscience in reality constantly, you always feel positive and you will not feel disappointed about your own life although you have a lot of problem, you should be grateful about what you have now because not many people possess a privilege like yours, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.