How to find hope in depression

     Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “How to find hope in depression”, the main reason why I choose that topic because recently there’s outbreak of COVID-19 which is spreading all over the world, in that moment many people think there is very little opportunity to find hope in hopeless situation, I just want to remind you that COVID-19 is not the only one which causes human to get depression, but it is caused by humans lack of mental strength to against COVID's spreading, what makes people get depressed is having the lack of mental strength training by doing something little challenging, now if we look at in reality, every disaster is blessing where it teaches human how to increase their learning ability, so there is no disaster will end in vain, now the question is “how to find hope in depression?, the first thing you need to do is accept reality and empty your expectation to  promote what you wantthe reason why you need to do this strategy because the power of expectation will burn down new opportunity, expectation is lies in low vibration, you can't live in the future if you can't enjoy what you can do and you can't live until tomorrow if you promote your expectation, remember this; don’t allow yourself to push your limitation to fight against the disaster, your job as human is not applied to stop the disaster, but your job is find the alternative path, everybody has own limitation, don’t do beyond your limitation, but all you can do now is prolong your patience through acquire knowledge and do what you can, that’s sensible strategy how to find hope in hopeless situation.

    Don’t let your guard off because of there is tragedy, God gives you limitation not to destroy it, you can use it to develop your ability and focus about what God grants you about permission how to learn something positively you never did before, don’t let your limitation is used to interfere what God does to end in tragedy, I just remind you that every tragedy is part of life’s destiny because it can’t be created by human being, tragedy is the moment where there was an uncontrollable effect appeared in life after the trigger was unplugged by the human's wrongdoing, for your note; the tragedy had been designed in 50,000 years before the sky and the earth had been created by Allahso the tragedy would come after the human's misleading behavior succeeded to pull the tragedy's triggerdon’t complain after the tragedy already came because the tragedy is forced to come after human’s misbehavior is leading themselves to create the cause, that’s basic idea how to know why the tragedy must happen on earth, as long as the human’s behavior fights against the divine law, tragedy would be coming continuously, here is the first strategy how to find hope in depression; stop trying to change about what had happened in reality, find the alternative path, meaning, the alternative path is lies in the opposite of something in what you hate, so you must start doing something you can even though there seems no way to go through, here is the second strategy how to find hope in depression; find someone who knows about your problemlife is about live or die, if you don't find hope from someone who has competent skill, you will die in your futurehere is the third strategy how to find hope in depression; keep moving your body or mind to explore something you never know how it feels, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.