how to deal with negative emotions

     Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “how to deal with negative emotions”, this topic is very interesting because I am sure every human being has ever felt such thing, the main reason why negative emotions approach to human's life journey because human’s mentality is not ready to deal with the unpleasant experience or difficult thing, so their brain which is called amigdala is playing role to give negative response when people don't know how to deal with the unpleasant experience or difficult thing, if we want to create the positive response, so we must enrich our knowledge with some valuable information at the first time, the more we increase our knowledge, the more it can give us many options to make decision, the quality of information is the first power how to make us easier to make decision, if we lack of knowledge, we will make decision based on the emotional feeling, I just want to remind you that relying emotional feeling is not always bringing good value because emotional feeling doesn't give us any direction, it just gives us sense of fulfillment, the best way to make decision is train your mentality to do something challenging, but not doing something dangerous, doing something challenging is not the same with doing something dangerous, if someone does something challenging, he is not motivated by fear, but he is motivated by his biggest curiosity, whereas, if someone does something dangerous, he is motivated by fear and irrational thinking, here is the first step how to recognize negative emotions: you must identify your 24 hours of habit and identify the information you have consumed every day, if you can’t share something valuable to others within 24 hours, means, your mind has absorbed too much information which contains negative emotions unknowingly.

     I wouldn’t say we can escape from negative emotion easily, there is nobody can go away from it, all we need to do is learn something from negative emotion and learn how to stop negative emotion from its growing, although negative emotion often makes human feeling is overwhelming anxiety, I don’t say all negative emotions are useless, negative emotions will be useful when there is something suspicious or unusual comes up suddenly to us, negative energy will not dominate your feeling if you don't doubt your true self, let me give you an example about the negative energy; negative energy can form almost everything in aspect of life, such as problem, swindle, rejection, failure, setback, betrayal, humiliation, error and risk, for average person, I am sure they are depressed if they get involved with it, here is the bad consequence; if negative thing in this life isn't being learnt by human, human can't optimize their power of emotional intelligence for making good decision when human don't have enough resources, we need to balance between positive emotion and negative emotion, if we let our positive emotion is dominating us, we will feel too excited when we get something easy or we behave overoptimistic, if we let our negative emotion is dominating us, we will feel depressed or sad, remember this ; we are the life designer, we can't create good life if we just focus on positive feeling or negative feeling, here is the second step how to recognize negative emotions: when we lack of resources, our negative emotions will try to dominate our logic, do you know why it is happening? Because negative emotions will strengthen its power when there is no knowledge, knowledge is super power because it can help us to decide whether we need to choose negative emotion or positive emotion, negative emotion will save us when we consider there is something dangerous in reality, whereas, positive emotion will save us when we live in rock bottom or we get the miserable lifeI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.