Good and evil belief


     Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Good and evil belief”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can recognize whether what they do is good or evil, many human's behavior has been changed as if it is compelled to follow human's perception, so it will create misconception between good or evil meaning, so there are two concepts; when people tell "this is good for you", but other people will misinterpret and consider what other people think this is good, but it is bad for them, when people think "this is bad", but other people will misinterpret and consider what other people think is bad, it is not really bad for them, there is misconception, the first thing you should do if you want to know whether you are doing good or evil; if what you do can release the human's pain, that's good deed, but if what you do can add new pain without asking other people's permission, that's evil belief, basically, love doesn’t start something with war, evil doesn’t start something with peace, if you can’t differentiate between love and evil's purpose, there is always a war before the real war is begunif you believe what other people say before you verify it, you will become the follower of other people and you will enter into the jail of people’s mind, if what you do can make other people happy but you don't feel happy about it, that's part of egoism, do you know why I say such thing because you prioritize other people's right but you neglect your own right, here is the note; if what you do is considered to be good for other people, but you don't really care about your own career, that's part of evil doer because you deliberately destroy your life journey, before you deliver your value to other people's lives, you have to ensure that your service is creating "win-win solution", means, what you do is benefit for other people and you feel good as well about what you do.

     Good belief or evil belief is determined by your vibration energy, if you feel enlightened about what you behave, means, you create peace for everyone, you can't create good belief and evil belief at the same time, so you must choose wisely, if you can't find new direction for your career, means, you will do something wrong or evil to your soul, you must stop it, if you find something wrong, you can share your problem to people who are qualified enough to finish your problem, remember; good and evil belief can be absolute if you give something to the right person, good and evil being can be changed verbally or morally when we give something to the wrong addressee, if other people can't understand what you give to them, other people will consider what you give to them is part of evil impact for their own lives, now here is the first sign you will get if you want to know whether your choice is good or evil; if what you do can offer you with a lot of disappointment, resentful, fear or angry, means you build your own belief into evil's desire, but if you put your own belief into other people's hope, you will get enlightenment, reputation, credibility, my advice; don't let your life mission can be attached to your evil feeling, so you need to separate between advantage and sincerity, if you spend your time to pursue advantage, you only get motivated by evil desire and you will get disappointed when you don't get what you expect, your main duty as human being is you must know what motivates you when you start doing something, if you just do something because of your own behalf, you only create an evil belief, but if what motivates you comes from your good heart to care other people, you create a good beliefI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.