Example of fact and opinion

       Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic Example of fact and opinion”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people can differentiate between fact and opinion, if you ask me why not many people can differentiate because they think opinion is part of fact, it is not quite right, if opinion is part of the fact, meaning, there is no different between human's creation and God's creation, based on research; opinion is part of human's creation, it can be right or wrong, whereas, fact is part of evidence where it can't be tolerated by human's creation, basically, human can't create the fact, only the universe will give reflection to the fact, so human can do something for the universe, even though we can't behave like the universe, we can choose to behave whether being kind or being cruel, fact can't be manipulated, whereas, opinion can be manipulated by human's wrongdoing or opinion can be valued as right thing if opinion can meet with the universal's law, now let me give you example about the opinion; there is quote "dream is always impossible until it is done by itself", if we observe a bit about that quote, it is kind of opinion, do you know why? Because some people consider dream is always impossible, besides that, dream is uncertainty, unpredictable and uncontrollable, if we see the fact, dream can't be approached by our desire, dream will approach us when we prove our commitment into reality, so we will let the universe to give appreciation to us, remember; the universe will give something to us when our masterpiece is appreciated as the right thing, we must prove our hard work until we deserve that dream.

    Now we will talk about the example of the fact, if we see sunrise from the east direction and we see sunset from the west direction, that's the fact, do you know why I say that's the fact because human can't make it as real condition, now let me give you another example of the fact, "every woman prefers to build a good relationship with the responsible man rather than having much money or success",  do you know why I say such thing because woman is lovely emotional creature, she doesn't need high logic to survive, besides that, woman can't avoid the fact because it is part of woman's basic need, what she wants is someone who accompanies her either good time or bad time, basically need and want has different meaning, "need" means something that is embedded to human's basic necessary, whereas, "want" means something that can be tolerated if it can't fit the human's daily need, remember; opinion can be right or wrong, but the fact is always right, nothing is true from human's capability because human can create the possibility, they can't create the fact no matter how strong what human's skill is, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.