Choice advantage

    Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Choice advantage”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people don’t believe that their future can change by making new choice, many people think choice can't be chosen, it's not right, choice, life is always about choice, whether we want to be good person or bad person, it is our choice, whether we want to be rich person or bad person, it is our choice, my suggestion; don't just look for what outside of you, instead, you need to build what inside of you, in order to build what inside of you, you need to practice your inborn skill until it can serve what you do in reality, for example; there is someone lifts up the barbell 25 kg, the reason why he wants to lift up the barbell because he wants to get bigger muscle, in order to comprehend yourself, we consider a bigger muscle is like the power, 25 kg is like life's challenge, now the question is "do you want to be rich man? if you want to be rich man, you must possess mental strength, if you don't build mental strength, you need to challenge yourself to face adversity in life", if you choose to reject adversity, meaning, you don't want to be rich literally, the basic requirement how to be rich man is facing many adversities, if someone gets suffered from living poor, that's privilege, he should be thankful for receiving that condition, do you know why I say such thing? Because not everyone deserves that life's challenge, if you get a poor condition, meaning, the universe chooses you, in addition, you are considered as worthy person, if you reject that adversity, you will not get something you deserve much more than what you get now. 

     Here what I believe; life will respond after we decide to make choice or decision, "if there is no decision, we create indecision", if we create indecision, life will put us to the destination where we never enjoy with the happiness state, all activities we have chosen in this life is accumulated by our deep belief, remember this note; faith doesn’t equal with consciousness mind but our faith will dictate what consciousness receives from our conscious min, faith is the spirit activity which ensures us to keep doing what we believe, basically our life pattern we have designed so far comes from quality of  our faith, every decision we make depends on something we pull from the philosophy we choose, if we choose something pleasure and easy to get in this world, our faith tend to attract the negative vibration, before we make choice, we must ensure our purpose in line with our intuition first, everything that can be measured with our purposes, we can improve our inadequacy, if we can measure our work based on life purpose, we can create big difference in our future lifehere is my research; we can develop our capacity to be significant as long as we are ready to accept the consequence, if we aren't ready yet, reality will not manifest what we improve, as long as we can have the power of choice, we will get something better than we usually get, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.