Act of kindness meaning

     Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Act of kindness meaning”, the main reason why I choose that topic because kindness represents the ultimate power in this life where it can create good impact to others and it can balance the life's system, we can’t release act of kindness if we can’t crush our ego, remember this note; kindness is not fake or hypocrite, kindness is showing the genuine of human’s natural character, showing the concern to others is power because we can build power of influence through that action, kindness meaning =  never ask or demand other people to return something we hope, if you want to possess a big influence, integrity, prosperity, famous, abundance of health and many other things, you have to stop pursuing your optimism and stop expecting any return from other people, means, you keep developing your qualification, your personality and your competent skill without involving other people's help, if you just focus how to improve the world of inside of you, the outer world will show something beyond your expectation, the act of kindness is variety, if you share knowledge to others, it is part of kindness, if you inspire others with your  achievement and your unpleasant experience, it is part of kindness,  if your service can empower human's future hope, it is part of kindness, if you can feed the animals, it is part of kindness, basically act of kindness is not always bring money for charity, act of kindness is very simple, but it can be difficult when we feel unjust, disadvantaged or envy about what other people receive, remember; everything we receive from this world is the reflection from what we add value to this world, if we feel inadequate or deprived, meaning, we lessen of giving of the kindness rather than we give something valuable to others.

The circle of kindness

       Now, I have question for you, what if people are unable to share their kindness?, the meaning; people lack of resource, lack of self-identity, lack of feeling enough, here is the bad news; if people always feel lacking or deprived, meaning, their greedy is more than their need, based in psychological research; greed is equal with fear, if people show their sense of greedy, meaning, they do something because they are motivated by their own fear, if people always feed their fear for their brain memory, as impact, they will make the irrational decision which may harm their position, remember this note; if people often create the irrational decision, they will not get a solution, instead, they will get the reflection of their fear, at this moment I would share some tips how to create kindness with simple act, here is the first thing you should do how to create kindness with simple act; every month you treat your family member by dinner together at restaurant, even though this action can be done when you have money, if you don't invest your quality time for your family member, you will not do that, here is the second thing you should do how to create kindness with simple act; you invest your time to care your parents whether they are sick or not, remember; act of kindness is not always related with money, if you can share your fully attention to your beloved people, it is really good act, here is the third thing you should do how to create kindness with simple act; you share your knowledge to other people who are uneducated, it is valuable act, do you know why I say like this because sharing knowledge is as worth thing as money value, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.