Work commitment

Strong man only focus on commitment, not result

  Hi, good reader, howdy?  welcome back with me, hopefully your life is always imbued by the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "work commitment", the main reason why I choose that topic because working activity is the part of big reason why we must survive, working is not the option, but it is kind  of duty to define who we are and what we can be proud, even though showing our pride to others is not good, but if we use it to what we work, as result, our pride will turn into self-healing because we can express our strength, focus and commitment to what we do, if we see reality now, many people don't commit to what they do in the company because they often compare between the salary they have earned and the responsibility they hold, they assume the salary and responsibility they receive so far is incompatible, but if we use different perception; the salary will not define your personality, the salary just represents your inner mental capacity and your fear degree, both are temporary, not ever lasting, as long as you don't compare between the pain you get and the pleasure you get, you will not get what you complain and you will be free from the fear or other people's opinion.

Strong man is having strong work commitment

  The reason why we need to upgrade our work commitment because every 24 hours ahead we know nothing about that, we will never know the type of problem we face or the unexpected thing will happen to us, the best thing we can do if we realize we know nothing about the future is we sell our contribution to God's family by providing some solution to other people who have the problem, here is the good news; the more we sell our contribution/ kindness/ future hope to others, the more we expand our qualification, if our qualification is completely different than before, as impact, the future time will promote our contribution to others and we will be waited by others, I know it sounds hard to do for other people who haven't got special skill, besides that, making contribution is not like finishing overnight's job because someone needs to invest time, focus, attention, health and commitment into what he pursues in long period of time, here is the fact; people who have good intention in their heart, they will not do something worthless, instead, they will ensure what they do is giving a good impact to other people's need emotionally, remember; good people will pursue the problem to be solved, not to pursue how much profit they will get, the profit will come to us when we let other people to access into our service and we let our service to become other people's identity reflection, when people get something worthy from us, our work commitment will be paid properly, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.