Why do I suddenly feel sad

Sad expression

 Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “why do I suddenly feel sad”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people are showing sudden sadness, especially when they meet with big pressing problem, this is normal reaction when people faced something bigger than their limited capacity, but unfortunately many people use their fearfulness to paralyze what they can do, even though our life is full of risk and challenge, it doesn’t mean we will show our sadness to face every issue in this life, if you ask me "why do I suddenly feel sad?" Because you always recall your past memory which had miserable life journey, our job as human being; if there is nothing needs our reaction, we don’t bother to give our reaction to something which doesn’t need us, that’s basic strategy how to relief our emotional pain, if we realize that life is uncertainty, what we can do is stop focusing to what depreciates us and start focusing what we can give to others even though it has the least size, this is simple method how to reduce sudden sadness, I believe every human can contribute something even though it has the least size, if I were at your position, I will not look my past in anger because past always stays in the past and I can't return my lost time to present, so I will let the past dwells in the past, that kind of attitude makes me happy, starting from now; we must develop our mindset by contributing something valuable to any one who has problem even though our contribution has the least size, if we build daily routine activity such thing, we will free from sudden sadness because our action has produced kindness, if we focus how to make contribution to others even though it has the least size, God will increase our degree of capability and then we will be entrusted to give more kindness than we usually give. 

Overthinking can cause deep sadness

 If we think our life is very hard, we shouldn't use our imagination to visualize about the situation, but we use our imagination to visualize about the favorite place we want to visit, the more we visualize about what we can not or what we fear, the more we increase deepest sadness and weaknesses, at this moment I would like to share some several strategies how to stop sudden sadness, here is the first method you can apply if you feel your life is very hard; don’t give your reaction to what you fear, but give your reaction to problem which needs your enthusiasm, e.g. you solve a a critical problem which may bring a great impact to other people’s lives, here is the second method you can apply if you feel your life is very hard; don’t compare what you can’t do with what other people can do, the reason why you aren’t allowed to compare between your skill and other people’s because every human has different capacity and different purpose, if you keep comparing what you can’t do with what other people can do, your reality will draw the feeling very depressed, here is the third method you can apply if you feel your life is very hard; contemplate about what makes you grateful once you accomplish something, the reason why you need to do what makes you grateful once you accomplish something because the power of gratitude is very powerful to increase self-esteem and also can kill a negative feeling which lies into human’s behavior, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.