Voice in your head

Fear is reflected by hearing self weakness

   Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “voice in your head” the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people can recognize about the voice in their head, some people misinterpret about the voice in their head, many people just do what they want to do without listening which voice they need to listen, whether positive voice or negative voice, at this moment I would like to share something about several strategies how to differentiate between positive voice and negative voice in your head, here is the first strategy you must do if you want to differentiate between positive voice and negative voice in your head; you must develop a sense of caring to other people, it means, you are willing to care about other people's problem and you want to be the volunteer to solve the problem, the reason why I recommend you to develop a sense of caring because it has potential to evoke positive voice and also you will get the happiness after you have done something useful for other people, whereas, negative voice tends to give you alternative option how to avoid dangerous impact from problem you want to solve or how to prevent unwanted thing happens, remember this advice; positive voice and negative voice can't occupy in one place in your head, if you understand about your unique ability, your positive voice will remind you to do something important every time you forget it, but if you don't understand about your unique ability, your negative voice tends to give you pain until you want to practice your unique ability, basically there is nothing wrong with negative voice, all you need to do is accepting negative voice as the reminder or notifier, please don't hate about your negative voice if it fights against your ideology, if you hate your negative voice, you get perplexed until you get schizoid personality disorder. 

Perplexed person has no direction

  here is the second strategy you must do if you want to differentiate between positive voice and negative voice in your head; you don't pursue your ego, this strategy is very powerful because you will receive positive voice when you don't pursue your ego, whereas, negative voice tends to evoke your hatred feeling every time you pursue your ego, I have told you before that every negative voice isn't always bringing negative influence to you, negative voice is just giving you reaction when you send low vibration (negative energy) into your negative voice, here is the third strategy you must do if you want to differentiate between positive voice and negative voice in your head; you don't fear about failure, this circumstance will test your positive voice and negative voice, if you fear about failure, your negative voice tends to speak to you and it will give you alternative idea how to make exit strategy to prevent huge loss which may happen in the future, but if you don't fear about failure, your positive voice will speak to you and it motivates you to continue about what you do by neglecting the risk and huge loss, I just to remind you, your positive voice doesn't know about your future, neither does negative voice, if you are over-optimistic until you don't care about the loss, you tend to listen your positive voice, basically positive voice is not always right, only your conscious mind can decide whether you want to stop doing or you want to find alternative option, now your duty as human being is how to collaborate the message between positive voice and negative voice, then you can write it down to the paper, so you can check which voice will be useful to your condition now, here is the key how to differentiate between negative voice and positive voice; your negative voice tends to whisper about the strategy how to create negative anticipation in order to prevent the accident or disaster which may happen in the future, whereas, positive voice tends to whisper how to optimize your focus by doing what you want to do until you can't see any negative impact around youI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.