Treatment plan for depression

Depressed expression

   Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Treatment plan for depression”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people can adapt well with new situation which happens unexpectedly, most people start complaining when they see the actual situation is lowering than their own expectation, so it will create inequality of social community, if we observe deeply about this case, the main problem why people’s life gets stuck in the same journey because people don’t take responsibility to do more than they can receive, in order to create life's balance; we must give what we love most to many people before we receive a feedback from other people, if we just expect something more to people and we give something less to people, as impact, we will create inequitable distribution of wealth, remember this philosophy; "your wealth is like water and oxygen which lives side by side within human's life", if you look at water and oxygen within yourself, can you count how much value you get from water and oxygen? I am sure you can't pay it with your money because it is priceless, in the real life, you can distribute your wealth to others through giving your troubleshooting skill to life's problemthe more you distribute your wealth to people's lives, the more you receive more than you deservedon’t count your wealth based on the money you get from what you work, but measure your wealth based on what you distribute to as many as people, if you violate that law, you will get depression life and uninspiring journey.

Depressed expression

  Here is the first strategy you need to do if you want to create treatment plan for depression; don’t behave like a victim once he is trying to escape from something he hates, it means, you must face reality and you displace your focus to see something different than you usually observe, so we can conclude that our good attitude will play role to find exit strategy to heal our wrong movement, here is the additional note; the reason why greedy person always becomes poor and depressed even though he has money because he is too idolizing his instant pleasure, starting from now, "use your potential to do good deeds earlier before your potential is taken by regret"the reason why you need to treat your potential as an asset because it can be used to detect new problem which can bother you in the future, remember; the biggest potential will be meaningful if it is having ability to detect new problem in other people's life, if your potential can't be used to detect new problem, your potential's strength will be decreased by itself because time will crush your potentialhere is the second strategy you need to do if you want to create treatment plan for depression; you must create a progress of what you do even though there is seemingly no way, it means, you must increase your productivity rate and challenge yourself to try something you ever try, remember this philosophy; “life only gives you what you deserve and life will not give what you need or what you want”, the best treatment plan for depression is treat your life like you welcome a royal personage, if you treat your life well, life will give you more than you need, if you destroy your own life, life will make your habit to feel depressed, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.