Toxic friends

Toxic habit induces new conflict
   Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “toxic friends”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people can distinguish between toxic friend's characteristic and real friend’s characteristic, basically in this world there are two type of friends, unfortunately our school never teaches us how to detect toxic friends, here is what I believe; we will never find real friend's characteristic until we can detect toxic friend's characteristic, that's cause and effect's law, it is the same thing with when we want to make good relationship with real friends, we will be planned by God to meet with toxic friends beforehand, if we succeed to detect toxic friend's characteristic, our existence will be met by God with real friend, remember; if you ask me why God bothers to plan us to meet with toxic friend at first because God wants us not to hurt good people who will be our real friend in the future and we can avoid toxic friend's mistreatment, at this moment, let me share with you about the features toxic friends and real friends, hopefully it can increase your wisdom; here is the first feature toxic friends and real friend; toxic friends = they talk way more than they listen, whereas, real friends = they know when to listen and when to contribute, if you still have toxic friends in your life, don’t spend your time to hang around with them for longer time because their habits will affect to your future habit, but if you have real friends who already fit with type of characteristic like above mentioned, you can allow them to approach your life. 

Toxic friends always interrupt other people's peace

  Here is the second feature toxic friends and real friends; toxic friends = they try to control you and change you, whereas, real friends = they accept the way you are, if you have friend who try to persuade you to leave your productive hobby or productive activity, it indicates your friends is toxic friend, on the way around, if you have friend who try to persuade you to increase the quality of your productive hobby or productive activity, it indicates your friends can become real friend, here is the third feature toxic friends and real friends; toxic friends = they only find you when they need your help, whereas, real friends = they call you simply because they miss you, I just want to clarify about one thing; if your friends call you when they need you in urgency, means, they don’t take responsibility for their own lives and they will ignore you after they find a better help, the reason why they treat you as toxic friends because your friends know that your life is more significant than their lives, here is the fourth feature toxic friends and real friends; toxic friends = they try to take up a lot of your time for their own selves, whereas, real friend= they know how to appreciate your quality time, remember; real friends show an empathy to their friends even though they don't need a help, real friends don’t want to interrupt other's quality time too often because they know everybody has own responsibility for their own lives, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.