The law of abundance

Meditation is part of gratitude 

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "The law of abundance", the main reason why I choose that topic because it is powerful energy where it offers something that money can't buy it, if you ask me why we need to learn about the law of abundance because it is the basic component how to absorb new potential from the nature, such as enthusiasm, intuition, enlightenment, love, empathy, in this reality, we have nothing if we don't possess the law of abundance, let me explain about the law of abundance from my different point of view, the law of abundance offers the quality that our soul needs to grow, the law of abundance is very important for human's lives because it can attract the power of sincerity, the power of goodness and the power of self-love, now you can check your own life, if you can access the power of giving in your character, meaning, you do something right because you always care about other people's lives, that's the law of gratitude, maybe you have a question to me "what benefit if I apply the law of gratitude?", here is the benefit; you will not get the pain of worry or you will not get the pain of sadness, now you can ponder about what you feel about yourself, if you feel easily worried or you change your mind quickly, meaning, you access the law of force (low energy), as impact, your mind will be perplexed by wild imagination and you can't see new hope, if you want to feel the law of abundance, you can practice your mind by visualizing yourself with something beyond what you can own in this world, remember; new hope will not come if you surround yourself in the place where it offers short term gratification.

Educate yourself is part of gratitude

  New hope only happens miraculously when you put yourself with the purpose where it offers discomfort, insecure, unpredictable, but in another way it also contains the huge benefit for your mental picture, the law of abundance will work when you use your high energy such as intuition, enthusiasm to work and you put yourself in the place where it offers feeling of hatred, the reason why many people don't get the benefit from the law of gratitude because they just pursue the profit as the end goal and they don't feel the good feeling in the long term process, remember; happiness lies in the progress you have made, not in the end result, if you aren't happy in the long term journey, how you can arrive in the right destination where it is already made by Almighty God?, you can't arrive in the right destination, if you don't feel happy with what you do, how you can apply the law of gratitude into your mental picture, before you prioritize other people's happiness, you have to ensure all the activities you have made can offer happiness or enlightenment into your habit, can you imagine "what will happen when you stay in the dark room in few hours but in the same time you are surrounded by the flashlight or the light of candle", I am sure you will feel relieved even though you stay in the dark room for few hours because your natural instinct says "the light has potential to minimize a sense of fear", if you can combine between hope and fear at the same time and you put both in your daily activity, as impact, you can succeed to apply the law of abundance at any time, now your duty is find the activity which can prolong your patience but in the same time you feel lost/ regret when you don't do it accordingly, that's good sign that you are in the right track, here is the last note; money or the material world you have now can't represent your happiness state, money or the material world you get is part of materialization which came from what you had done in your purpose, if your activity can't offer something meaningful to others or you don't feel amazed with what you do, meaning, you are in the wrong track because your activity can't apply the law of gratitude into your life, if you feel grateful, you shouldn't stop doing even though there is no way for you to obtain what you expect, only your own expectation can be the biggest block to upgrade your unlimited resource, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.