Stress definition

Stress expression

  Hi good reader, howdy? welcome back with me Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic “stress definition”, the main reason why I choose that topic because every human in the world has ever experienced with stress, some people consider stress is not part of human nature, but stress is part of overabundance of emotion, if you ask me about “what’s definition of stress”; human’s inability to interpret what reality demands, in order to deal with stress, we don’t need to fix something has happened in reality and we don’t need to push our limitation to against reality, what we need is to find a way how we salvage the important thing from our natural ability, so we can use it to achieve the clear goal, here is for your note; stress’s problem comes from human’s attitude, not human’s intelligence, if we don’t want to get stressed, we shouldn’t focus on the effect / reality, but our job as human is how we prevent the unwanted things to happen by doing something preventive, such as we stop the first cause earlier than time of the materialization process in the core problem, I think it is not easy to behave preventive as if the problem had already happened to our time zone, here is the clue how to prevent stress’s situation; we must know “the causality” first from what we consider there is something dangerous will happen and we can prevent it before reality will manifest what we can't stop.

stress is caused by unstable emotion

    Let me give you a formula how to increase your mental acumen in order to stop stress condition, here is the first thing you must do how to increase your mental acumen; you need to calculate the time value of yourself per day, the reason why you must apply this strategy because it can make you realized about how is the importance of your time value than the expensive stuff in the physical world, if you just receive a sense of pleasure from what you work, meaning, you only do something for your own future, not to do for your professional's work, remember; every professional is trained to work better, not to focus how to get a better payment, if you feel stressed with your work, it indicates you haven't found what you deserve, whether you like it or not, “fulfilling self-satisfaction can lead to stressed condition”, here is the second thing you must do how to increase your mental acumen; you must do something regularly not because you need the quick money, reputation, fame or credibility, if you can apply this strategy, you will not get stressed easily because you do something wholeheartedly, I think you need some time to practice with that ritual because it is very difficult to do if you have wrong intention, here is the last note; if your mental acumen is gradually improving, meanings, you are ready to accept the challenge from a sudden problem, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.