Stay focused and never give up


     Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Stay focused and never give up”, the main purpose  why I choose that topic because major people are being hurt by putting in their major focus on something that can't grow their mentality, if you ask me why people must focus and not to give up because life is always mysterious and uncertainty, we can't create better life if we don't feel better with what we accomplish, please check these steps, the first thing you should realize is “see what lies in your ahead as opportunity to improve what you can't do before, don’t make your inner circumstance is getting worse by correcting something outside of you as if there was God's fault in what you do”, remember this; there is no crisis will happen if it doesn’t come from our ignorance and our incapability to adapt, focus is the main power how to create a new change, if we can't focus on what we do, we will get undoing changesplease beware of this condition, the unknown circumstance may drive you to the desperate zone but your decision will define everything, the second thing you should realize is “stop comparing what you don’t have with people who have had what you don’t”, if you focus on comparison only, you will not recognize about your talent, expertise and personality, if you are making habit of it, you only create gloomy situation, remember; you are the creator and you are life director of your own life, if you want to get better life, improve what inside of you, if we are unable to see something we need right now because our inner ability doesn't grow yet to welcome what we startsometimes we need to stay ignoring the information which doesn't add value to our lives, if we just collect the unknown information out there without selecting it, our poor mindset can destroy what we start.

      Even you have scary moment, don't let it fuels your mind, you just need to consider it as the shattered mirror, remember this; giving up is not an option, giving up is like stop eating your food even though you need to live in this world, if you feel there is nothing can offer you peace, you can create your own peace by doing what other people can't do for you, be the fate creator, not just be an actor and do what the director says to you, remember this advice; you and I don't know about what we are going through in the future because the future is always private, if we realize the future is always private, what we can do  as human being is trying as much as we can and stop thinking about the failure or the setback, please stay focus on the present moment because you will find yourself in the cyclic processes of nature where you get renewed, as long as you dare to do something new, you must have been renewed with new resources, in order to survive on this earth, we must assume whatever we do is like eating the food, we can't stop eating just because we don't find solution, if we don't find solution, we must keep trying about new thing, if we don't try something new, we get undoing change, that's default system where it is embedded into our life's journey, here is the additional note; to stay focus and forget how to give up, you must treat yourself like the customer at business, you coach them, you brief them,  you serve what they need, that's strategy how to focus on the present, starting today; practice your mind to use your life 80% do positive thing and 20% for negative anticipation, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.