Stages of creative process

Stage of creative process is like walking step by step

    Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Stages of creative process”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone consider this strategy is working for their creativity, there is another reason why common people  don't get stages of creative process because they avoid to make mistake and they consider mistake as their big enemy, at this moment let me share something about stages of creative process, here is the first stage of creative process, you will hit many things that you don't expect to come, at this stage, you can't choose something that you like very much and you can't reject something that you hate it very much, in the first stage of creative process, you will receive a hundred of mistakes where it isn't related with what you do in the past, so please don't feel ashamed or feel guilty because it is part of learning, if you feel guilty or ashamed, you will attract something that can burden your emotional feeling, the reason why we will hit many things that can give us shocked because we don't know about the God's plan, if we know about God's plan first, I am really sure we tend to avoid the lesson and we tend to stop working hard, if we train our mindset to do like that, we only get little experience and little good impact, remember; we aren't authorized to choose something until reality provides something we need, as human being, I can't choose the level of creativity as my identity, I just let creativity chooses my personal strength and my skill, if I want to get higher level of creativity, my power must be higher too, the human's power lies in how much care we sacrifice our time to serve other people's problem.

     Here is the second stage of creative process; you must try to focus how to create a trial and error as much as you do, remember that you will not get opportunity until you get a trial and error, in my opinion; you will not get something to learn until you create a trial and error,  that's requirement, if we don't create a trial and error, as impact, we will get bigger consequence which can destroy our mentality, so the purpose of making a trial and error is strengthen our mental capacity, here is the special note; the more we get the pain of unpleasantness and restlessness, the stronger our mentality we become, here is the third stage of creative process; you will not get enlightenment until you get feedback from other people's perspective, either negative side or positive side, sometimes other people's existence will add new value to our creativity, at this point, we must be ready to accept other people's perspective because we don't know our blind spot, here is the fourth stage of creative process; you will feel demanded to do something more and more, if you reach this stage, I congratulate you because your creativity is needed and Almighty God chooses you, not other people, remember; creativity is not something we can own as we wish, creativity is responsibility, if God doesn't allow us to own creativity, we can't do something, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.