Signs of jealousy in friendship

Jealous expression

   Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Signs of jealousy in friendship”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone  is happy with what we possess, some people will think that life is unfair when we have something more valuable than what our friends have, the reason why our friends or other people wear the jealous expression to us because they don't have something valuable within what they do for themselveswhen your friends can't see any fruition, they will see what you have done, maybe you have ever heard about the wisdom "the neighbor's grass is always greener than our grass", meaning, there is always something surprising when we aren't ready to catch what's going to happen in our lives, life is not surprising you when you don't make any good surprise to other people's lives, that's key, God is always behaving fairly, He always counts every effort from what every human does, God appreciates people who love to appreciate their time value, if your friends don't need your presence at this time because they don't see or hear any successful story in your life journey, but if you have surpassed your tough times and get something precious than your friend's life, your friends will follow your presence even though you don't need it. 


The symptom of jealous is like the breaking egg

 Starting from today, don’t sell your time by pursuing what your friends do because life is talking about personal responsibility, remember; build a good life is like build a house from brick to brick, other people will not see something valuable to you if you haven't built your house, if you want your friends appreciate you, you have to ensure your life can bring peace and inspiration to your friends, at this moment, I would like to share about the sign your friends is jealous of you, here is the first sign your friend is jealous of you; your friend will speak about your behalf to other people even though you don't ask your friend to publicize, if you have ever got this experience, meaning, your friend wants to work as your life story marketer, you just need to relax about it because it is normal experience when there is something surprising is coming, here is the second sign your friend is jealous of you; your friend will say to other people that he becomes your distant relative, if you are trapped in this situation, please don't be mad about it because it is kind of reasonable step when you become an artist or famous person, you just need to accept this situation wholeheartedly, please don't hate with this  situation because it is not your responsibility, here is the third sign your friend is jealous of you; your friend will disturb your privacy, meaning, your friends don't want you to have a good time to surpass your limited area, let me give you a good advice; life will not be surprising if you don't make any prestigious experience, I will congratulate to someone who is brave enough to fail at something rather than someone who isn't trying at something, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.