Self satisfaction

satisfaction is fantastic seducer but it's lousy teacher

Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome to my blog, Today I would like to talk about the interesting topic "Self-satisfaction", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is aware about the advantage and the disadvantage from the meaning of self-satisfaction, when we were kid, we were taught by our parents / teachers how to enjoy what we are facing and how to pursue what we want, but it is not good point to make us feel happy, do you know why I say such thing? Because we are trained to listen the voice which it is not our own, how our parents know if we are happy or not, the only way how to find our voice is stop pursuing what makes us satisfied and start doing what makes your awareness is increasing every day until we can say "that's good, this is point of destination where I am looking for", here is the meaning of self-satisfaction = the ability to demand ourselves to pursue what we think is always right, if we practice our mindset like that, we aren't trained to face about the risk, instead, we are trained to make us to be stressed, do you know why I say such thing because we pursue too hard the direction where we aren't entitled to make it happen.
leave the satisfaction zone is one way to make us different 

Self-satisfaction is really different than self-actualization, the most horrible thing which may happen to the reality is when people try to compare between self-satisfaction and self-actualization, now let me give you the description of self-actualization; act of combining our intuition, our biggest curiosity to our infinite capacity, embody our specific purpose and express our soul expression to real world, whereas, self-satisfaction is pursuing our short term desire even though we don't know the effect of our short term desire, in my opinion, I don't recommend you to do develop your self-satisfaction because your inner quality is more important than your self-satisfaction, inner quality is like integrity, patience, work hard, enthusiasm, faith, Sometimes we must open our eyes a lot if we want to change what haven't done yet, we need to do something until we got wakeup call from our soul, if we only focus on self-satisfaction, we only pursue expectation in the certain way without any limit, the negative bias is we only get stress from our self-satisfaction because we compare between limited area and unlimited area, Life is full of uncertainty; what we can do as human being is do something until we don't need what we have done, if we do that, we will receive something more than what we deserve, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life career, good luck.