Resilience meaning in english

Resilience in leadership

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "resilience meaning in English", the main reason why I choose that topic because the majority people know how to speak resilience in English but not everyone can elaborate what's the definition of resilience, if we examine about the meaning of resilience from oxford vocabulary, it says "the ability of people or things to feel better quickly after there is something unpleasant happened, e.g. injury, shock, etc", that's common explanation, now I would like to elaborate the purpose of resilience and the benefit of resilience with my own research, basically resilience is like the power of patience, if you can handle something hard even though you really hate to do it, it means, you have built a good mentality within your soul and also you increase your patience level, I know it is not easy to do something which can evoke hatred feeling, if we keep doing what we started even though our nature character rejects it, meaning, we build successful resilience in our reserve, the reason why there are some people keep doing even though they get a failure because their mentality has shown the big picture to people's imagination, building resilience in our mental age is not easy to do because we need to combine between intuition, creativity, passion, determination, vision, uncertainty and hope, here is the first strategy how to build resilience in our nature character is we must train how to adapt with uncertainty for long period of time, in order to adapt well with uncertainty, we must give it purpose, if we can't do that, as impact, our mind will be perplexed between illusion and reality, that's very dangerous.

Resilient figure

  The reason why we need to adapt with uncertainty for long period of time because our mental age can't be controlled by our willingness, that's the simple step how to build resilience in our character, it is impossible to possess resilience in short period of time because this attitude is very worthy and invaluable to face the unwanted thing in life, such as disaster, crisis, distress, loss, rumor, here is the second strategy how to build resilience in our nature character is we must stop feeding our mindset from the poor quality of information, the reason why we must protect our mindset from the poor quality of information because poor information has potential to lower our self-defense which lies in our territorial instinct, if we have low quality of self-defense, as impact, we can't concentrate when we want to achieve something great, here is the third strategy how to build resilience in our nature character is we must be able to fight our boredom, the reason why we need to fight our boredom because the result we expect is not coming exactly in our prediction, fighting with boredom is inevitable, but it is powerful to develop our privilege, here is the fourth strategy how to build resilience in our nature character is we must have long term purpose which can give us most enchanting moment, remember; life is long term game, we must know how to adapt, survive and preserve, if we  can prolong our enthusiasm in long term purpose, that's sign of success to be resilient person, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can help you to improve your life, good luck.