Perseverance examples

Adaptability needs strong enthusiasm

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Perseverance examples", the main reason why I choose that topic because perseverance is the one of human's virtue which can work better than what human do in daily basis, having this kind of virtue is not easy and is not simple, the main cause why many people give up early because they haven't found what their soul needs, besides that, the educational system doesn't teach every student to apply perseverance, what makes human can behave perseverance because they are punished when they make new mistake, remember: life doesn't teach us how to avoid mistake, life teaches us how to embrace mistake and learn from it without hesitation, if you want to change your life right now, you must leave your unproductive habit which may come from doctrine, ritual, ideology, I know it's not easy to leave something which has been embedded into our subconscious mind because we must suffer if we intend to do.

Adaptability needs growth mindset

 Here's important note you need to ponder: the biggest enemy in this life is our ego which doesn't teach us how to grow our capacity, instead our ego strengthen what we believe even though it is not always right, the reason why not everyone believes that perseverance is the one of major key to success because their mind needs a special guarantee which doesn't allow us to think more about self evaluation, that's the biggest obstacle we need to get rid of, remember this: if we already know what will happen in the future, our whole life becomes boring because there's nothing can make us interested to invent something new, the future is always private, what we can do as human is doing something which is never taught by anybody else, if we realize life is full of unpredictability, why we bother to ask other people's help to do something unknown for the future, maybe you ever heard Socrates' wisdom, he said "the only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing" meaning, life doesn't let us know something before we do something we never tried or did before, that's recipe how to develop our adaptability strength, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.