Moving on from heartbreak

Moving on from the unworthy feeling

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of wealth, health and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "moving on from heartbreak", the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people can stay resilient after they got heartbreak, if we see in different view, the cause of heartbreak is betrayal, rejection, procrastination, disrespectful, desire and regret, from that case, many people try to move on from bad feelings by doing something really new, but unfortunately many of them can't get what they want because they still review their past feeling by projecting their habit to something they aren't meant to be done, in order to move on from heartbreak, we must know what's our strength and what's our weaknesses, now our duty as human being is detecting our strength by doing what gives us a great sense of love, happiness state and enthusiasm, basically heartbreak is not designed to make you weaker, but it is designed to strengthen your inner capacity, then you will be guided by Almighty God to move on into the new direction where Almighty God has provided it long time ago before you start thinking about it, if you feel heartbreak, meaning, Almighty God wants you to move into another direction in order to strengthen your intuition and He demands you to follow what Almighty God promises into your good feeling, if you just justify that your heartbreak is part of your misfortune, as impact, your life will crush you into small piece until you have no confidence at all, if you consider your heartbreak is part of moving on, meaning, your happiness state will wait you before you realize that your happiness state is real, here is my perception about this issue; please don't hate about someone who gives you the feeling of heartbreak and don't betray your happiness state, as long as what you do can bring a good impact to others, you keep doing it even though you feel little bit fear, that's normal state, when you have little fear, meaning, you are out of comfort zone and you go into the learning zone.   

Jump into new environment

 Basically, there is no learning zone when you feel comfort, there is only challenge zone which drives you in the happiness state, for the most important thing is don't let the challenge zone will drive into the dangerous zone, you can use your logic to observe between what your past time did for you and what you do at present time, if you still in the happiness state and not giving you a lot of fear, meaning, what you do now and what you did in the past is on the right track, the main point from what I am saying is "don't try to break God's hope by making other people happy but you aren't flowing yourself into the happiness state", when you break God's hope by following what the majority people do, as impact, God will make you to feel heartbreak again and then you will lose your strength, your passion, your vision, etc. at this moment I would like to share about the tips how to keep moving on from heartbreak, here is the first thing how to keep moving on from heartbreak; don't try to oppose your natural feeling by doing what doesn't prolong your current happiness, if you just use your logic to determine your natural feeling, as impact, you will hate about yourself and you will lose your confidence state, here is the second thing how to keep moving on from heartbreak; you must believe that break heart is the part of your life revolution, not the part of delusion, if there is someone trying to give you a heartbreak, meaning, he/she doesn't understand what he/she is saying, you just need to forgive him/her and you just follow your noble purpose, here is the last note; let the past dwells in the past and don't bring it into your present timeI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.