Money manifestation

Money will come if we commit to the high value project

   Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic “money manifestation”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people struggle for money and some of them are trapped in profit-oriented mindset until they can't differentiate between what they need and what they pursue in life, I don't blame when people want extra money for fulfilling a life security, but let me remind you about my new insight; in order to start money manifestation, we must collect the information which is related to other people's problem first, that's basic requirement, we can’t create money manifestation in our mind if our enthusiasm / high spirit is low and our skill is inadequate to sustain problem we face now, if we just spend our time to think how to pursue money alone, we can’t open the barrier which connects between self-potential and intuitionmoney will not open the barrier which lies in our mind until we know the causality which connects between the amount of money we want and the amount of skill we develop, we can open the barrier when we feed our mind with the source we need, such as new other people's experience, new knowledge, new productive habit and new mindset, the manifestation process will do something for you if you don't fear to fail and you keep believing from something won't workif you don't stop believing in yourself even though you do something won't work, you will always get something in advance rather than what other people won't do, if you can do something great, it is not because you believe that you can do it, but your intuition sees your mental preparation is good enough, good mental will not let you pursue the money alone, but good mental will strengthen your capacity first in order to create the law of attraction for money. 

Money is the reflection to what you develop in yourself

  If you still confuse about the money manifestation, you can review a bit about what you think in all day long, if you keep thinking about money only, you will not get more money, instead, you will get distressed, but if you develop your skill until you forget about the money you want, as impact, money will not stay away from you and the money manifestation will start by itself, here is my message; if you choose a job which can multiple your deepest gratitude and your deepest curiosityas impact, you will get more than what you can imagine so far, remember this; the money manifestation equals with self-actualizationif you work on yourself, you will not get money at the first time, but you will get something beyond that money can't buy it, when money can't buy something from what you do, the money manifestation starts multiplying its number for you, at this moment, I would like to share about several tips how to start money manifestation process, here is the first strategy how to start money manifestation; don't hate with the money, meaning, you must be grateful even though the money you receive is not equal with what you wish, if you hate with the number of money you receive, as impact, you block the money manifestation process, here is the second strategy how to start money manifestation; keep doing something preciously for others even though it doesn't earn money, the reason why I say such thing because money comes from the great source such as love, credibility, endurance and honest, if you do something preciously for others, they will promote your reputation unknowingly, here is the third strategy how to start money manifestation; don't let the money you receive can block your high enthusiasm which can produce new idea,  meaning, you must continue your work and you have to ensure your work can build your original idea, remember; your commitment to make new idea has potential to attract more money, when you have no idea, you will not get money you want in the futureidea is a new currency for money, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.