Mental illness

The symptoms of mental illness

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of health, wealth, and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic “Mental illness”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many of us can get mental illness every time we get something harder than we usually get, if you ask me why mental illness must exist to our lives because mental illness is the side effect of lacking of our endurance level, in order to develop our endurance, we must have strong intention to engage with the pain of adversity for long period of time by doing something really new or we have never done before, here is the wisdom we often heard “if there is no pain, no gain”, that’s true, now here is my question to you to ponder; 1. “how much pressure you can endure?” and 2. “how you can get over your fear towards pressure?”, if you can answer one of those questions, I am very positive you will not get mental illness because you can master your deepest soul, here is the first duty we must do if we don’t want to get mental illness; we must stop magnifying our desire before we get hurt by our desire, the reason why we must stop magnifying our desire because desire has no ability to adapt with our limitation, besides that, desire doesn’t want to appreciate about our capability, if we continue to magnify our desire, as impact, our logic will not work as we expect, remember; panic attack is not caused by external issue, but it is caused by our mental inability to adapt with the pressure, here is the second duty we must do if we don’t want to get mental illness; we stop trying so hard to be something we are not, meaning, we must be able to train ourselves to find something which can make our interest is lively, we can't be unique person if we aren't interested to try something harder or new, we can be unique person if we do something where 99% people dislike with what we do, mental illness will happen if we ourselves really don't love with the adapting process. 

Lack of mental capacity induces distress

   Now here is the question to you to ponder; when does stress happen?”, it comes when our mental age pushes against our limitation to accept something isn't reflected with our mental picturebefore reality pushes your limitation to do something you aren't, you must work with your mental picture to create something you wish to see in reality, remember this advice; great things take time, you can't see opportunity if you don't enhance your mental picture, you can't ask other people to do something deeper for your soul, here what you can do if you want to enhance your mental picture; you start something in advance as if other people have needed your assistancethe miracle will happen when you prepare your mental picture in advance, the most important process is not lies in the miracle you can see, but it lies in the learning process you can't see, here is the last note; mental illness can't appear when you have developed your mental picture by working with your natural instinct every day, if you dedicate yourself to work like what oxygen does in this life, you don't need a place to introduce yourself to the world because the world already recognizes you, your capability to adapt with something harder is more important than your capability to see reality, that's formula how to survive from mental illness, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.