Mental health issue


Create communication with others can increase mental health

    Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “mental health issue”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is willing to keep their mental health, most of them use their mental health to work overtime at the company and they don't care about the mental health issue, e.g. stress, disappointment, guilty, etc. What people care is how to get benefit or money only, that's wrong mindset, if they just think how to get short term pleasure, their future will not evolve like they expect, at this moment I would like to share about 5 strategies how to keep the mental health, here is the first strategy how to keep the mental health; do once or twice a week for a deep contemplation about what you have done in the past, the reason why you must do it because contemplation helps you to release the pain of busywork from your mind, as we know together that life doesn’t offer pleasure, instead life offers the pain, if you prioritize me-time by indulging your instant pleasure rather than you practice your unique skill, as result, your mental health will lose its endurance and you will work like a robotic machine where it doesn't have unique ability, here is the second strategy how to keep the mental health; spend your quality time with your family or relatives, the reason why you must do it because you can release your mood when you communicate with people whom you trust, if you just surround yourself with coworker, you just get work pressure because you will be reminded by your coworker about the last assignment at workplace, remember this; if there is no communication between you and people whom you trust, you will not get self-healing because your emotional health has been disturbed by cut-off communication, as we know that communication is merely channel how to release what you store from your mental picture into reality, if you communicate with people whom you trust, your mental health will get prolonged. 

Make discussion can help to gain mental health

   Here is the third strategy how to keep the mental health; encircle your environment by keeping the pets or the plants, the reason why you should do that because pets and plants are designed to add new atmosphere in the nature, if your daily activity creates mental health issue, your pet's existence and the plant's existence will help you to nurture your mental health, here is the fourth strategy how to keep the mental health; increase your spiritual growth in every 1 hour by de-stressing activity, such as do meditation, read the holy scripture, the main reason why you should do that because it will help you to neutralize your bad mood during busy work, if you can provide what your mental health wants, you will not be easy to get stress or anxiety for long period of time, if you can't provide what your mental health wants from you, as impact, you will get shocked every time you meet with new problem at workplace, here is the fifth strategy how to keep the mental health; talk to yourself with the positive incantation when the work pressure is on you, it means, you develop your positive expectation through the way you speak to yourself, such as "I am a great salesperson, I am a great writer", "I am happy to receive from God's challenge because my capacity is greater than the problem" the reason why you must do the positive incantation for yourself because this strategy can help you to stay optimistic even though the plan you make doesn’t work like you expect, here is the last note; everybody has problem and pain, as long as we can't identify one of them, our movement will attract mental health issue, in order to identify our problem and pain, we must create internal communication between our soul and our conscious mind until we find the clue how to eliminate the pain and problem, the pain will not evolve when we don't focus on it, but the problem will not solve by itself if we don't use our pain to find the clue how to improve our mindset, the pain and problem will become meaningful tool to fix our life when we know how to use it, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.