Mental disorder

The symptoms of mental disorder

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of health, wealth, and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic “Mental disorder”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many of us can get mental disorder every time we get something harder than we usually get, if you ask me why mental disorder must exist to our lives because we lack of willingness to upgrade our endurance levelin order to develop our endurance, we must have strong intention to engage with the pain of adversity for long period of time by doing something really new or we have never done before, here is the wisdom we often heard “no pain, no gain”, if we can take time to ponder that wisdom, it orders us to continue our life mission even though it takes a pain, if we see in reality, some people hate with the pain because it hurts them, but in actual, pain will progress human's mental acumen and human's survival skill, remember; pain which can't kill us, it can increase our adaptive skill, if we don't act now, we will dig the pain of regret in the future, please don't ever say "it's too late to act by now", time will negotiate with your future if you are willing to change what you develop in yourself, here is the special note; stress, depression and other mental disorder are the effects from our inability to adapt with the uncertainty, in order to salvage our future, we must challenge ourselves to do something preciously for life's problem as capable as we can, the more we can do something preciously, our habit unintentionally creates the certainty moment which can salvage our future from extinction or crisis.

Lack of mental capacity induces distress

   Now here is my question to you to ponder; "what kind of kindness you can offer today if you aren't alive tomorrow, that's basic question you need to answer if you want to gain good health for maintaining mental health, the reason why many people experienced with mental disorder because they take bigger responsibility than what they can do, such as they buy something by credit card to impress other people, they buy something to accentuate their way of living in the public place, remember this; a good life happens when you pull a unlimited source around you, not to push your limitation to gain something you wantwhen you push yourself to afford something you can't have, it will create a mental disorder which causes too much damage to your inner peace, mental disorder will go away when you develop your mental strength and inborn skill in the long term period, your capability to adapt in uncertainty is more important than you can buy something with your fearas we know together that many people buy their fear by buying something without cashback, they forget that a sense of fear will turn into the disease when people can't withstand with life pressure, here is my message; before you become spender, you must train yourself how to be a good lender, that's priority goal you need to build in your mindset if you want to avoid mental disorder, if you are willing to lend the world with your unique skill or troubleshooting skill, so you don't need a job anymore because your life has become a solution for a lot of people who have problem, when you train yourself to become a spender, you open opportunity for mental disorder to grow more within your lifestyle, if you train yourself to become a good lender, you open opportunity to make your life like the center of market value because you have something that most people really pursue it, the first duty to be a good lender is build a self-love and find a problem you love then you solve it peacefully, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.