Love yourself meaning

Love yourself is like optimizing your privilege

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "love yourself meaning", the reason why I choose that topic because many people misunderstand about the meaning of love yourself, many people consider "love yourself" is like giving yourself benefit more often than what other people receive, if we see use different perception, the purpose of loving yourself is keeping you in the happiness state and you are not allowed to do something dangerous, now love yourself is you do something beyond what you think, meaning, you do something not because you desire, but you follow something greater than you usually do in daily habit, I have told to another article that you aren't allowed to think when you stay in the habit track, habit is part of your commitment, so my suggestion is before you take commitment, you must visualize about the effect and you don't feel bad when you take commitment, the reason why you must visualize about the effect because you are connecting the dot/line between your past experience and what you will become in the future, love yourself is about pursuing your high energy, not to pursue the most expensive thing, money, authority, appreciation, recognition or your instant gratification, here is the good news; pursuing your high energy will give you enlightenment "AHA moment" in every moment you take and you will be made to find the curiosity about what you haven't done or what you don't know yet, after you access the high energy, you aren't educated to think or debate again, but you will be challenged by reality to trust something you haven't met before or trust something beyond your limited thinking.

Love is yourself is not the same with egoism

  Now your duty as human is developing your belief to access something greater than your idealism, remember; love yourself is not the same with love your idealism, but love yourself is like giving the opportunity to your comfort zone and you enlarge your comfort zone to enter into the learning zone, knowledge is the tool which can help you to connect between your intuition and emotional validation, here is my suggestion; reading book is good tool but you don't have to trust it fully because not all information you read can become good knowledge for you, basically every knowledge is the combination between past experience, emotional validation, reality and intuition, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to create "love yourself" state, here is the first strategy how to create "love yourself" state; you must stay honest about what you do, meaning, you do something not because you prioritize other people's happiness, but your realize your activity gives you something where other people can't do it for youhere is the second strategy how to create "love yourself" state; you don't let the unknown circumstance will dictate your momentum and you stay in the happiness state even though the unknown circumstance will try to distract your focus to do something miraculouslyhere is the third strategy how to create "love yourself" state; you keep gaining new knowledge as long as it can support your happiness stateI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.