Hopeless kid |
Hi, good readers,
howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the
abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share
about the topic “How to treat teenage depression”, the main reason why I choose that topic many parents
don’t train their kids like what an athlete does for his own career, many
parents tend to spoil their kids by giving an instant resources or instant provision, if we use different
perception based on psychology, “indulgent
parents can't guide teens how to find a purpose because indulgent lifestyle lets teens can't behave discipline easily, besides that, self-indulgence tends to loose self-respect”, if you see why many teenagers lose their sense of enthusiasm to study
because they have been trained by parents to listen the voice where it doesn’t belong to
teens, if this situation becomes ritual, their depression state about reality will
be bigger than their dream, in
order to release a new mindset to teens, they must be trained to chase something
where it gives a positive vibes and not to chase something where it gives them
more pleasure, if teenagers can
defeat their urges by chasing their dream, as impact, teenagers will do
something where most adult people try to avoid it, all we can do as
parents is we give kids with new responsibility how to find their interest, guide kids to practice their curiosity by learning something specifically in order to find a way how to survive in this life with their own version.
Take a walk with kid can decrease kid's depression |
Remember; when we form a habit, habit will form us, that means, we can’t avoid
the consequence once we form a habit, every consequence will follow the habit we create for us every day, there is no way how to avoid the consequence, remember this note; finding a pleasure is not what kids really
want in this life, what kids really
want is how to make their deepest interest is growing together with their hidden inborn skill,
the reason why I don’t recommend the parents to spoil their kids by giving an instant resource because it will destroy kid’s potential, as we know “No pain, No gain, pleasure can destroy human's enthusiasm because it doesn’t go against the grain of
human nature, whereas, making the investment of time and effort for longer time is difficult because it goes against the
grain of the human nature, as kid, making the investment of time is very difficult to do because every day teens must fight their comfort zone”, as parents, we should guide kids the
information how to find the answer from their curiosity and don't facilitate what kids wants something in short time period, perhaps we
should guide kids a question “what kind
of dream you will pursue between 3-5 years later? Or what kind of problem do you want to solve in the
future?”, here is the last note; when we give kid with the critical thinking, kid's curiosity will open up bigger imagination to form the seed of creativity, whereas selfishness thinking will close the possibility of miracle, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can
give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.