How to overcome heartbreak and depression

Depressed person always blames others

 Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “How to overcome heartbreak and depression”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people can regain their good mood after they got bad experience such as heartbreak and depression, based on the statistical data; around 55% people feel depressed because of their company's policy, 30% people feel heartbreak because they can't accept reality, 15% people feel heartbreak and depression because they are unable to provide a good resource to other people's livesfrom those research data, we can conclude that many people don't recognize about their power and their weaknesses, no wonder they get painful experience, in order to overcome our psychological issue, we mustn't focus to what we can't control by our habit, all we need to do is how to improve our mindset by consuming the valuable information and how to promote our inborn ability to the marketplace progressively, at this moment I would share some strategies how to overcome heartbreak and depression, hopefully it can help you to improve the quality of your life journey, here is the first strategy how to overcome heartbreak and depression; don’t shirk your duty if you feel urged to do, the main reason why you need to apply this strategy because it can help you to strengthen your focus, once you succeed to focus to what you start, your vibration will attract the positive energy, remember; a sense of depression and heartbreak will come when you are satisfied easily with what you repeat, you can’t survive from the pain of heartbreak and depression if you stop progressing your mental age by doing something which can increase your urgency appeal level.  

Depression is tied by wrong belief

 Here is the second way how to overcome heartbreak and depression; don’t follow the majority of people’s habit where it doesn't relate to your mission, the main reason why you shouldn’t need to follow the majority of people’s habit because they will never teach you how to prioritize your life goal and they don't care about your circumstance, remember; life is like running marathonyou must keep your stamina and speed very well before time will break your hopeif you just focus on other people's movement, the more you lose your major focus towards the finish linehere is the third way how to overcome heartbreak and depression; do not focus about what you have suffered now, but rather you focus to the future moment where it rewards your skill, enthusiasm and hope, if you trust about what you see in the future more than what you see now, you will find something magnificent more than what you imagine, your focus will stop your heartbreak and depression if you put your dream in front of you, remember this; the chaotic mind only gives the preview about your weaknesses, whereas, the growth mindset gives what you are supposed to do in the future, now your future lies in your decision, if you want the pain of heartbreak and depression is moving away, don't treat them like a enemy, but you must treat both like a visitor where he goes himself to visit your house and not to stay forever, here is the last note; every pain isn't designed to make you weaker, as long as the pain doesn't kill you right now, it will strengthen your body immune system and your mental age for everlasting lifeI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.