How to make your life better and happier

Happy life is designed to develop self-esteem

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "How to make your life better and happier", the main reason why I choose that topic because happy and better life is part of everyone's dream, if you ask me why many people will struggle everything to make their life is better and happier because many of them want to get out from the environment where it gives them the unfair treatment, uncertain situation, unpleasant feeling, here is my research about happy life and better life's meaning; happy life will not come into our lives until we have succeeded to pass through with something we hate, e.g. uncertainty, unpleasant, rejection, betrayal, failure, dead end progress, setback and new mistake, those are inevitable things, the more you avoid something inevitable, the more you don't get the point of what you reach, if you don't get the main point of what you reach, life will crush your journey, I just to remind you that life is like a birthday gift which let us surprise, birthday gift is really mysterious, surprising, and unpredictablewe don't need to know about the purpose from a birthday gift's sender because we aren't authorized to control to the sender, what we can do as receiver is how to upgrade our perception by finding valuable information which can connect with the situation we are getting in.

Happy life is full of productivity and creativity

  Our time is limited, our movement is limited, our money is limited, our knowledge is limited and our space is limited, Can you get what's my point? basically we can't choose to live freely as what we want, the more we reject something what we already received, the longer we suffered, when we already stick together with reality, we can't escape from reality because reality is shaped based on what we develop in our daily habit, the way you are getting out from your old life story is determined the way you are giving to yourself, if you just give yourself with pleasure, instant result, and easy route, as impact, you will feel bored because your habit is unable to reach what you really need as emotionally, here is the first strategy you need to do how to make your life better and happier; don't look for pleasure, look for new adventure, the reason why you need to apply this strategy because pleasure will stop your progressive action, the more you find pleasure, the more you find dead end journeyhere is the second strategy you need to do how to make your life better and happier; be productivity maker, not be busy person, do you know what I mean? busy person is not the same with productivity maker, busy person is doing something what is determined by others, whereas, productivity maker is doing something new, surprising and unpredictable, if you want to get a surprising life, you have to give something to others beyond their expectation levelI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.