How to live a fulfilling life

Live a fulfilling life is part of progressive action

 Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "How to live a fulfilling life", the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people are aware how to live a fulfilling life, many people are trapped in a rat race until they forget how to live a fulfilling life, if you ask me why many people can't spend their quality time to live in their fulfilling life because they always make a rule where it is designed to limit people's potential, people who create a rule for themselves, basically that rule is driving people to go to the certain place where it gives them a short term pleasure, e.g. casino, wine bar, company, downtown, If we use different perception regarding human's pleasure, remember this advice; you can't live in your fulfilling life when you are trapped in short term pleasure because every pleasure is totally different from the happiness state, every pleasure doesn't need much new challenge, uncertainty or divergent effort, whereas, the happiness state always needs a challenge which offers a steady flow state in human's brain system, in order to live a fulfilling life, you must do something which isn't connected with something pleasurable, all you need to do when you are in happiness state is you keep doing something which can drive you to the new different of you or doing something which can offer a different feeling where other people can't give it to you. 

Fulfilling a new life is the challenge for brave person

  Starting from now, please don't look for an instant pleasure because you will never become a different of you from yesterday, as we know that life is dynamic, not static, if you always do something which can give you the same circumstance, as impact, you will never get a fulfilling life, here is the definition "live a fulfilling life" is the situation which can offer you with new adventure, new energy, new capacity and new enlightenment where you never get from anybody else, here is the first strategy how to live a fulfilling life; work on your dream, even though this strategy is little bit strange, but work on our dream is the rational decision if we want to change our future story, if we don't respect to what we do, life will never give us admiration, here is the second strategy how to live a fulfilling life; don't let reality stops your life mission, even though life is full of uncertainty, you must find an alternative course when you don't find a way how to continue your mission, sometimes reality doesn't show your high expectation because reality is always running in the behind process, if you are honest about what you do, you must do without hesitation, here is the third strategy how to live a fulfilling life; don't find something pleasurable, find a new adventure, if you find something pleasurable, your life gets stuck between dilemma, delusion and reality, but if you find new adventure, you will never be the same person again, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.