Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back
with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness,
health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “How to improve your life quality”, the reason why I choose that topic because many
people are living in the stagnant life pattern, every time they want to achieve something,
they don't feel satisfied about the result because they consider reality doesn't support what they want, remember; reality doesn't negotiate what people want, but reality will give a resource to embody what they do for their preparation, as adult people, all we can do is plan and execute it into reality, not to argue with reality, sometimes we need to behave like children when our mind is fueled with ambition, as we
know together that children’s imagination is more powerful than their logical
reason, as adult person, we should give up our best plan to reality and we just need to visualize what we want, we must not use our logical reason to make argument with reality because it is not part of right attitude, let the universe arranges something for our needs, at this point I don’t prohibit
people to use logical reason, but we must understand "just because reality doesn't support what we want, it doesn't mean we lose our hope forever", sometimes we need to accept reality as blessing in disguise, so we can comprehend that not all good thing is commensurate with our needs.
Remember; all we need to have if we want to improve our life quality is a childish enthusiasm, do you know why? Having childish enthusiasm is working based on future oriented, not profit oriented, so you will not stop in the result, but you keep growing your awareness, in my opinion; stay curious about something we don’t know is good because we will not limit our energy and time to do something, if there is no deep curiosity, we will never know our blind spot, at this moment I would share 3 steps how to improve your life quality, here is the first step you must do how to improve your life quality; you must find the problem that it can increase your skill and your awareness level, here is the second step you must do how to improve your life quality; you have to ensure your activity you follow can give you high energy, means, your activity can support what your inborn skill needs, remember this advice; if the practice is making you unpleasant, then you are growing your skill, here is the third step you must do how to improve your life quality; you must build an access to let other people know about your skill, if you don't do it, you will never know how competence your skill level, I think my explanation is enough hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.