How to get rid of anger

Anger person's mind is perplexed by self-doubt

   Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “How to get rid of anger”, the main reason why I choose that topic because anger is part of human nature where it will gives a lot of pressure once its power will be dominated with the dark side of human nature, actually anger is not designed to give the bad influence, anger is part of self-defence where it is used to protect human's nature from misleading behavior, so we don't need to get rid of anger, what we need to do is how to reduce bad influence which comes from the worthless information, anger is not the serious issue, as long as we can break the connection from our obsession, anger will lose its power by ourselves, so basically anger can be dangerous when we add our sense of obsession to change something we hate, as long as we don't feed our negative feeling with our hatred, a sense of anger will not impact to our mindfulness, I just want to remind you negative feeling will not give a bad thing to our lives when we don't feed it with our obsession to control, negative feeling will be neutral when we connect with the activity where it can bring us to the positive impact, e.g. reading book, taking a nap, positive and negative power will bring harmony effect when we use it for the kindness, for example; your children will do something dangerous, if you alert them with negative power, your children will acknowledge your warning, so negative power is not always bringing negative effect as long as we know how to use its power, sometimes optimism can bring negative effect when we don't balance it with sense of fear, optimism and fear will bring a new hope as long as we don't put our obsession to control, let optimism and fear live harmoniously, we don't need to get rid of one of them, remember; energy can't be controlled, we only can utilize its strength for kindness and prevent from the evil's effect, the most dangerous thing is the evil character, not anger, basically evil character is the fuel which can bring bad side in our behavior. 

Anger is part of depression

   You will never be able to get rid of anger if you try to prioritize your obsession or your pleasure, you must be responsible for every decision you choose, whatever you start, your habit will receive what you demand to your own mind, here is the positive self talk you need to remind to yourself; "don't create something where you don't want to receive the effect", if you don’t want to get the bad effect from your anger, you must learn the consequence first, that’s strategy how to allocate your focus energy, if you don't focus on what you hate, you will never get angry to any situation, remember this; good or bad is the part of emotional aspectplease don't focus to your over obsession, all you need to do right now is use your energy, valuable time and limited resource to serve what your vision needsthe key how to get rid of obsession is reduce your fear by doing something productive or something which can distract your focus to your consciousness, remember; every angry person is always losing his consciousness, before he enters deeply into his unconsciousness mind, you must do something happier or find someone who can remind you to do the kindness, here is the first strategy how to get rid of anger; stop focusing on your obsession to control everything around you, the more you control out of your capable hand, the more you increase your obsession, finally your anger will increase its power, here is the second strategy how to get rid of anger; learn how to smile every time you see something you hate, do you know why smiling is powerful because it can accelerate your endorphin scale, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.