How to get rid of rage

Angry kid

  Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “How to get rid of rage”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is ready to receive something disturbing their comfortable level, the root of problem why people are angry easily because they can’t survive to face uncertainty and they lack of survival skill, in order to get rid of rage in people's behavior, we must release our emotional pain by doing something that can make us forget for temporary, such as do exercise, the concept is like going to Gym, if we are still angry, we must extend our energy to do something heavier until our rage power is gone, remember this; if people often receive an instant pleasure from other people's treatment, they will lose their ability to survive in any environment, if people lose their survival skills, their mental age will not grow, if people's mental age decrease its strength, people will always get angry every time they will receive a unpleasant thing from life’s pressure, the first duty as human being is we must teach our mental strength how to deal with life pressure and adapt with unpleasant thing at least 10 minutes, for example; we have a side hustle's job which can take a lot of effort to do, if we can survive at least 10 minutes and we feel okay with the condition, meaning, we are fitted with that job, if we can continue it, we indirectly train our mentality to get rid of our rage.

Angry kid

 Now I give you some example related with Kids rage, sometimes kids get angry easily because they don't know about the value of mistake and the value behind risk and consequence, If parents don’t recognize the value of risk and consequence to kids, their sense of fearfulness will grow faster than their ability, as parents, we must provide what kids need to prepare before we let kids exploring something by their own way, we have to ensure their mental fitness grows well since they are still childhood, mental fitness only grows when they will meet with difficult thing, as parents, we must monitor what kids do in their daily activity by giving them a daily challenge, the reason why we need to give kids with daily challenge because our kids must know the first step how to strengthen their endurance during facing adversity, if kids are trained to endure adversity earlier, they will never fear about the pain of regret when they start to be adult person, remember this; the pain of regret will happen when human don't want to hold responsibility from what they have done, as parents, we must train our kids like what athlete trains, as we know every athlete practices for growing their mental fitness, if we apply it for our kids's mental fitness, they will find something greater within themselves and they will explore what's possible for them to do, please don't give the punishment for what kids don't know, as parents, we should use their biggest curiosity to explore their hidden potential, here is my recommendation; please teach kids how to intensify their endurance by doing what they are interested until they understand their own limits, if kids know how to measure their own limit, they will find their success by their own way without hurting their physical ability, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.