How to get over someone who hurt you

Bad thought always suspects what others think

  Hi good reader, Howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always get imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "How to get over someone who hurt you", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people are hurt in the human relationship without knowing how to get over it, if you ask me why not many people fear to get over in toxic relationship because they are tied with a sense of obsession, social bond and mutually friend zone, from that case we can't blame someone who hurts us because we have chosen to get along together with someone whom hurt us, now you can see that the human relationship problem doesn't come from lacking of affection, but the lack of self-awareness towards our character, our problem is lies in ourselves, not other people's private life, here is the fact; people who don't recognize their own character, they always misunderstand with other people's speaking way, in order to reduce the pain of misunderstanding, we must know about our character first by asking ""why should I get hurt with someone else's speaking way if those words are not mine?", that's critical thinking, Psychological researcher says "there is nobody can hurt us without giving our permission to the pain", meaning, other people's speaking way is not our responsibility, the first thing we can do if we feel hurt is by asking a critical question such above, if we realize there is nothing can hurt us without our permission, meaning, we always can develop our freedom of peace without asking other people's permission.

The complexity of mind

   At this moment, I would like to share some several strategies how to get over someone who hurts you without showing your anger to him/her, here is the first strategy how to get over the pain from someone's talk; we must realize everybody in this life comes from different culture, not the same culture, meaning, we must be ready to live in various cultures where it doesn't belong us, that's method how to adapt well, the more we understand about people's way of speaking, the more we can tolerate people's culture, as we know "different culture will bring different habit", whether you believe or not, there is always divergent of habit from different culture, if we can't accept the difference from other people's culture, as impact, we can't survive making a mutual relationship with newcomer, sometimes we need to separate between our identity, egoism and our obsession to control other people's speaking way, here is the second strategy how to get over the pain from someone's talk; we forget the pain and we forgive people's unconscious speaking way, meaning, we don't need to prolong the pain's span in the future, remember; the more we forgive other people's mistake, the more we release endorphin (happiness hormone) into our feeling, on the contrary, the more we feel grudge to other people's speaking way, the more we hurt ourselves because we try to store other people's speaking way, here is the last note; not all bad things will always bring misfortune and not all good things will always bring fortune, we must be ready to sharpen our endurance by accepting something we hate if we want to strengthen our patience level, if we always accept something we love, there is no patience, if there is no patience, our mental acumen will lose its strength, that's dangerous, remember this; every person you meet is part of God's plan, if you get hurt by someone else, meaning, God wants you to leverage what you hate into something positive, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this information can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.