Hope and faith

Future is lies your hope and faith


  Hi, good  reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "hope and faith", the main reason why I choose that topic because hope and faith are two components which can influence human's passion and enthusiasm, if there is no hope and faith, many people will never find their life purpose and eventually they will die in vain, now let me elaborate one by one, it is started from "hope", basically hope is like a target which can help people to develop daily habit, hope is very unique, even though it is invisible, but hope will bring a big impact to human's mindset, I just want to remind you that hope is totally different with expectation, hope will come after the result is appeared into reality, whereas, expectation always comes to small minded person, remember this; expectation is like a beggar who beseeches a new power from people who are considered to have authority, money, recognition, credibility and admiration, from my point of view; as human being, we aren't allowed to have high expectation to others because every human has different character, different mindset and different cultural background, the more we expect others, the less power we possess, what we can do now is how to make hope is connected with our faith, as far as I know, hope will come into reality after we are responsible to what we have done in the past, if we don't show our vortex to the activity we choose now, as impact, we will become a loser because we have no interest to execute the activity we choose. 

Pour your happiness in God's destiny track

 Now let me elaborate about faith, basically faith is powerful tool which can connect between what we don't know and what we haven't seen yet, if we know faith is very powerful tool, unfortunately not many people use their faith to make new decision, most people just consider faith is like having full of excitement, it is not true, faith is like GPS (global Positioning system), faith will not let us to do something dangerous and faith will help us to ascertain something mysteriously, even though faith can't be touched by our hands, but faith will let us know something bigger than what we imagine, now here is my challenge to you; "what are you going to do when you don't have any hope and faith?", if you answer; work hard only, your mind gets perplexed by reality and you will get mental illness, so here is advice; when you don't have any hope and faith, don't get panic, all you need to do is you rewrite a good history where you had written in the past and combine with your life mission, here  is the first thing you must do if you want to get hope and faith; you approach what gives you positive energy, if your activity offers you with full of energy, as impact, you will never get boring with what you do because you always find a way how to do something you love, here  is the second thing you must do if you want to get hope and faith; you must get out from your comfort zone, the reason why you need to get out from your comfort zone because hope and faith is great power, if you stay in comfort zone for longer time, you don't possess power to change your future, if you challenge yourself to approach discomfort zone, hope and faith will transform into your creativity, finally you will feel being guided by God and you will not go to the misleading way, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.