Hard work and perseverance

    Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Hard work and perseverance”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people work very hard until they don’t take their day off, I don’t blame them when they love to work, but when they put their mind as workaholic, as impact, their soul will get shrunk and their subconscious mind will lose its strength and their daily habit will make their most fearing cause towards their own lives, to reach the idealism in life, you must know when you start how to prioritize your job and know when how to make your private life is blossomingyou don’t need to show your work hard in many hours, it would better you show yourself how to be resilient person in every difficult situation within one hour, remember this note; your biggest fear is enough to make good reason fro you to work hard, but you don't need to be too hard on yourself, your struggles will lose its efficient value when you just put your struggles in many hours but you forget how you strengthen your ideology within one hourin my opinion; you need to start how to stay working efficiently, not working in time quantity, remember this advice; "the more you can work very efficient, the more you understand something you need to do urgently and you don’t need to push your limit to finish goal too fast, so you can delegate the universe to work for you", I will give you the quote; if you can't do something slowly, you can't finish something quicklyworking hard doesn’t mean you have to sell your whole life time to work for goal until you sacrifice your spiritual experience and your joyI just demand you to delay your pleasure in temporary until your masterpiece can make something profitable for you, 

    To create a different life among the crowd of people's lives, you have to invest your working hard in your leisure time and you work not for money, but for self-development, you don’t need to get freedom if you want to get happiness or prosperity because sometimes freedom can make your mental guard down, don’t focus on your affliction when you work hard, but you just need to focus on your mission, here is my special note; don't bother to look for freedom, if you are willing to be freedom person, you will never know about the essential of your existence in this big universe and you will never be freedom person because life will give you a huge resistance every time you try to get freedom, freedom is just myth, if you are living today, means there is something awaits you, you need to welcome it wholeheartedly and you welcome it by your expertise, every human is unique, make yourself is different and being a person who possesses a profound insight, you don’t need to propose your skillset to everybody, but let your masterpiece will tell other people who appreciate your work, so that they will recognize your service and they will pay what you need, besides that, don't show your complaint to others when you can't do something limited, all you need is give your best effort to your work and let go of your work to the universeyour main job is keep practicing what you want to do as if you were being defeated by today's time and you keep depositing your struggles in your future’s account, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.