Happy dance

Happy dance is the one of hobby to express your strength

Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "happy dance", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people don't know about the power of happy dance, basically happy dance is not kind of daily ritual which can be done at any time, happy dance is kind of body expression where it helps you to untie yourself from distressed lifethe purpose of happy dance is not making you looked stupid, but you will be challenged to release your ego through showing your body expression, remember; making some movements are better than using logic because every movement doesn't need logic whereas logic always needs movement, if you make some movement such as dancing, your emotion will be moved into another direction and you will feel the different of you, if you see reality now, there are many hobbies are designed to help you how to untie yourself from distressed life, e.g. yoga, meditation, happy dance, soccer, basketball, bowling, basically those hobbies will not let your good mood is down, although you can't show your good dance, it doesn't matter, what matter most is you don't stay idle, maybe you ever heard about the law of vibration; it says there is nothing material in this world are designed to be idle, from the law of vibration, we can conclude that we aren't allowed to stay idle and do nothing useful, except we want to pass away soon, if we don't make movement or working hard, everything we own will be perished by the time without hesitation, it similarly with energy unused perishes, faith unused decreases, creativity unused futile.

Happy dance can reduce your miserable life

  Whatever the situation you are getting in, you must keep moving on like doing the happy dance, can you imagine "what will happen if the wind or oxygen stops moving?" all creatures who live in the world will pass away soon and life will lose its purpose because there is no progression / moving, it is the same with human's lives, if people have no vision, so there is no progression, if there is no progression, as impact, people's lives get stuck between dilemma, delusion and reality, finally people will pass away in vain, at this moment let me give you some benefits if you keep moving on even though the crisis starts moving, here is the first benefit if you keep moving on your life like doing a happy dance; your logic will not be able to get controlled by tough circumstance, do you know what will happen if your logic can be controlled by tough circumstance? you will get miserable life and you will become a hopeless person, here is the second benefit if you keep moving on your life like doing a happy dance; you develop endorphin hormone / happiness hormone, the main reason why I say such thing because happy dance teaches us that there is always new hope if we always create new movement or new progress in our daily life, as we know that the act of moving on is the part of leaving our past journey and it can drive our movement towards new revolution, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good life.