Habit forming behavior


        Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Habit forming behavior”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people realize about type of behavior they have built, some people just do something based on what they repeatedly did in the past, if you ask me why people prefer to repeat what they did in the past to be presented at this time rather than they try something they have never done before, it is about mindset, habit is the key how to determine who we are becoming in the future, remember; good behavior is not created by itself, it is shaped by good habit and good behavior is accumulated between repetition and willingness to feel the pain, so we can conclude that good behavior can't be created from poor habit, and poor behavior can't be created from good habit, that's the law of cause / effect, based on psychological research; habit will create behavior when habit's speed has been calculated at least 7 days (24 hours * 7 days = 168 hours), so behavior is part of result, not the middle of process, if we think our behavior is not good, meaning, we have built bad habit in several years ago, maybe you want to know about what's type of bad habit that can influence someone's mind to create bad behavior, here is the first bad habit that can influence people's mind to create bad behavior; the low value of information, meaning, people just consume whatever information they get without selecting the quality of information itself, in my opinion, the inability to select the quality of information is really horrible for someone who survives on earth, do you know why I say such thing because having inability to select any information indicates that someone has not worth thing or someone has nothing to be proud of.

Running away from problem indicates someone's behavior is fear

 As human being, we must treat ourselves like the king, meaning, we intend to add some good values to ourselves, it could be new knowledge, new experience for getting new failure, new insight from other people's experience, if we want to get better life, we must consume some information that majority of people can't have it, the reason why we must consume the information privately because to prevent other people to know more about our private life, if people know about our private life, other people will try to get our weaknesses and they will make our weaknesses as the deadly weapon for us, basically there is no instant process how to get good behavior, we need to build productive habit which needs 21 days in probationary period, if we realize our behavior is not line with our faith and good intention, meaning, there is something wrong with our ideology, the first question we can ask to ourselves is "what type of habit that I consume every day?", so we need to make a list, the main problem why we have poor behavior because it comes from the low value of information we consume every dayhere is the second bad habit that can influence people's mind to create bad behavior; feel safer all the time in any circumstance, meaning, we only prioritize our behalf and we don't care at all about what other people feel, if we feel safer all the time, we build fixed mindset and we tend to utilize other people's help to serve what we need, that's egoism, here is the third bad habit that can influence people's mind to create bad behavior; behave omniscient / know it allthis kind of habit is showing up to when we don't intend to add new experience and we deliberately want to lack of survival skill, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.