Get over yourself meaning


     Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Get over yourself meaning”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone are willing to prepare something different from what they have done in their own lives, the root cause of problem why people don't care about their own future because their expectation is bigger than their mental suffering, in the daily life, these people prefer to spend their liability budget and indulge their consumption habit rather than prepare for increasing their own productivity, remember this; people who spend their life journey casually, they will never become the luckiest person in their life story because they underestimate about future, the reason why we need to make ourselves prepared because tomorrow is always offering mysterious thing, such as new disaster, new adversity, new opportunity, and new circumstance, if we aren't preparing everything we have, our time of fortune will perish soon maybe you ever hear about it, “the more you learn something, the less suffer you will become”, means, if you aren’t ready to face life test, you plan to suffer and your enthusiasm will go down, please don’t just rely on luck if you want to meet with your fate because fate is always finding people who value their own time and people who maximize what they can give to this world, here is the note; the fate doesn't teach you how to improve your life, but fate needs you because you deserve to do something bigger, better and stronger than what you imagine, maybe you have question "how to get over myself in the life uncertainty",  you must create the zoo in the jungle, meaning, you must limit yourself from the life's uncertainty and you focus on what you develop in your territory, when your preparation is good enough, you can let the life's uncertainty working on what you start.

    If you don’t follow your intuition, you will be treated by life as the victim, meaning, you are treated like someone who is begging for food and live in scarcity, your life mission must be important than your sense of pleasure, if tomorrow gives you a new problem because you are ready to learn it, please don’t be afraid if your struggles aren’t being appreciated by people because your fate will do something what you do and you will feel amazed with new experience where most people don’t get it, the most important thing to do after you make great endeavor is surrender with your fate, means, let your fate works for you, don’t let yourself unprepared of doing something good because there is nobody will work for your future, here is the purpose of fate; you will live peacefully with godlike personality and you work in this world as the messenger of God, such as "serve others well like God serves you well", God assigns life to you because you are entrusted to do something better in your generation, if you work like the messenger of God, there is nothing impossible for you and you will live happily as if you were not living in your own suffering, if you get problem now, it is not because you are doing something wrong, but life needs you to do something where most people aren't prepared yet, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.