Follow heavy duty


    Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Follow heavy duty”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people want to escape from adversity and reject to accept new responsibility, whereas, new responsibility is sign of stepping to the higher standard, although people have learned more than 10 years, this life still gives new responsibility to human in order to stay them stronger, besides that, I just want to remind that every problem is not talking about disaster or capacity, it’s lies within human’s willingness or unwillingness to adapt with adversity, as long as people are not trying to hunt down new adversity, new problem and new risk will always come to human unexpectedly, remember this advice; life will never offers perfect result, but life offers dynamically process, if people prefer to run their lives to be static, they dig up their own problem, the reason why people need to train their mentality to follow heavy duty because it can strengthen human's ability, if people just do something they can, as impact, their lives gets stuck in the same situation, so we need to taste the unpleasant feeling which resonates with our enthusiasm, meanwhile, we need to take the risk in order to know our mental strength, the risk will grow when we combine between heavy duty with our enthusiasm, that's good idea, do you know why I say such thing? if we apply this strategy, we will get new result of understanding, if we build new mindset from our new result of understanding, we will meet with something challenging in our career and our lives will not bored easily. 

    If there is heavy duty that resonates your enthusiasm, please follow itdo you know why I say such thing because we will get a new power from heavy duty, we can conclude that problem is not coming by itself, it comes from human's inability to follow heavy duty, in my opinion; before our time crushes our opportunity, we should stay open-minded with new information, so this kind of behavior will help us to stay away from the crisis or recession, here is the truth you need to know; Almighty God had set the capacity to the human before every human was born, it is mentioned in the Koran, Surah Al Baqarah verse 286 “God doesn’t charge a soul except its capacity”, from that verse, we can conclude every human is be able to run their own lives very well as long as human follow what God’s command to them, so there is guarantee if we are willing to accept new responsibility, before big problem comes to us, we would better to ask ourselves “what should I do to be prepared in every difficult situation? Remember this; God will not say “your life journey would be easy”, but God said “I will be with those who have patience”, difficult situation will calm itself when we focus on heavy duty, we shouldn't be feared when we get difficult situation because it can strengthen our mentality and enlarge our awareness level, everything we offer something to this life, we automatically receive something which is resonated with our capacity, if we want to get better life, we must follow heavy duty that comes from Almighty God's plan, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.