Faking depression

Faking depression

 Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Faking depression?” the main reason why I choose that topic because many of us are not aware about our position whether we fake our depression or our depression fakes reality, if people fakes reality, they tend to spend their time to wait opportunity by doing unrelated to what they dream, remember; if people always think as if they were always doing right, they fake their hope and fortune, finally what they do can't satisfy their inner peace, if you don't feel peace about your situation, don't treat other people feel about what can paralyze your mind, if you do that, you are faking your personality and your life will be fueled by the pain of disappointment, now my question to you is what causes man is faking their own hope?”, it is caused by false belief and repeated wrong ritual, here is my first recommendation; you mustn't give your reaction to other people who don't need your assistanceyou would better to ask yourself "what kind of bad consequence I will take if I do nothing for my future hope?", it is important strategy how to shape mental fitness and how to appreciate our futureif we focus how to get the end result without preparing how to face bad consequence, we indirectly fake our happiness and we can't have peaceful life, if we want to be peaceful life, we must know our capacity and we don't fake to feel happy by doing something against our inner peace.

Depressed expression

 Now if you want to fake a sense of depression to become happiness, here is my second recommendation; don’t take high risk before you are ready to accept all consequences, the reason why you aren’t allowed to create any hope first because you will be facing uncertainty where it will try to crush your peace, you must increase your awareness level by collecting as much as information you need for anticipating negative reality which may happen to your career, the more you enlarge your hope, the more you create the possibility of pain of disappointment, if you let this situation is repeated, you will be trapped into depression journey, here is my suggestion; don't look back your past with anger and don't fear when you want to create new decision, we are living in the ocean of possibility, as long as we shape a new mistake where it hasn't been made before, we will be led by our decision to create a new room for contemplation, here is the philosophy you need to ponder; “if you don’t create any hope from what you have done, you will never get the pain of disappointment even though there is mistake, if you pursue something you aren’t entitled to possess, you will get depressed, if you focus what's empowering your limitation, you will get peace, what is destined for you is looking for you, all you need to do right now is being humble, keep asking about what you can do before you can't do what you should do”, starting from now; don't live with heavier responsibility if you understand your limit, if you understand your limit, you will not pursue your lust, instead you will pursue what gives you peace and enlightenment, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.