Employee potential

Stressed employee

    Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “employee potential”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not all bosses really care about employee's potential, most bosses only control the employee’s performance until every employee doesn’t know how to contribute something useful to the company they work for, at this moment let me share something to you about 5 strategies how to develop employee’s potential, hopefully it can encourage you to make strategy how to develop employee's potential, here is the first strategy to develop employee’s potential; Give a training program, the main purpose why we need to apply this strategy because it can monitor employee’s working performance, if every employee gets a training program, they will support what the business owner plans, here is the second strategy to develop employee’s potential; give a reward and punishment, the reason why we need to apply this strategy because giving a reward and punishment is very effective to detect employee who is having high enthusiasm to work and who is unproductive, if there is no reward and punishment's program, sometimes employee will not work at maximum level, instead they will spend their major time to rest or make a chit chat, here is my suggestion; every boss must give a tolerance before making reward and punishment's program, sometimes pushing employee to do busywork in order to meet reward and punishment's qualification can depreciate employee's performance and decrease employee's mentality. 

Stressed employee

   Here is the third strategy to develop employee’s potential; facilitate a sport facility to employee, the reason why boss needs to facilitate employee with sport activity because it will help employee to de-stress, besides that, employee can keep their physical health and mental healthhere is the fourth strategy to develop employee’s potential; provide the library, the main reason why we need to apply this strategy because the library can help employee to understand more about their job description, besides that knowledge will give them anticipation to beware about the dangerous potential impact which may happen to working area, remember; having knowledge will help employee to decrease unproductive habit and increase employee's awareness towards the company's goal, here is the fifth strategy to develop employee’s potential; the company sends employee to visit other company as business study trip, the reason why boss needs to send his best employee to another company because adding new working experience will increase employee's performance and also enrich employee's knowledge, if there is no facility such thing, employee will be bored about their skill which may impact to confidence level, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.